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I am so pissed.....

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  • I am so pissed.....

    So I drive the new coach to work today, and my boss comes out and procedes to tell me that I am a Nigger for owning the car. He has told me before that " you spend your money like nigger, niggers buy stuff like you do." , but I let it slide and just not paid attention to him. Apparently he really doesn't like me, I don't really care, I am not there to win a personality competition, but he called the uniform company last week and purposely fucked up my uniform order, has been sending bogus emails to the district office, ( mind you, i am not the only one he has done this to), and actually thought he was going to get away with it. So my co workers urged me to call the district manager myself and say something about it. So I do. Just to protect myself. And the district manager calls him, which sends him into this sort of delusional state where he comes out and starts harrassing me, and threatening me, and saying " i never said the word nigger", right in front of 4 other people who heard every word that had come out of his mouth prior to this.
    So, I have a meeting at 8 am in the district office with the district manager, ( and my boss swears up and down that he is going to be there as well to try and make me look bad), to go through this whole mess. I am pretty sure that this is going to end up in a lawsuit. But that is fine. Enough is enough.

    I hate people. People piss me off.

  • #2
    Your the most light-skinded brotha I ever saw.


    • #3
      Man, you bitch like a nigger, too...

      Be sure to get signed and copied statements from your co-workers what the ass licker said. When you drop them in the DM's lap be sure he knows you are capable of going to the next level if your direct manager does not curb his behavior.


      • #4
        Racist people suck ass!!! How come the dumber you are the more likely you are to share your views and opinions about what's wrong with someone else's nationality or color?
        I mean, I'm not racist, I hate people of every color and nationality equally. Most people suck and I've learned to live with that.

        If you need to get rid of the body I can probably hook you up with the chemicals, supplies and game plan to dissolve the remains...


        • #5
          The district manager is calling all of the techs in at different points during the day to question them individually. And they are as tired of it as I am. Plus they have their own issues to hit him with. I almost feel sorry for the DM, he has absolutely NO clue what he is fixing to be handed tomorrow.


          • #6
            Originally posted by StrayCat View Post
            The district manager is calling all of the techs in at different points during the day to question them individually. And they are as tired of it as I am. Plus they have their own issues to hit him with. I almost feel sorry for the DM, he has absolutely NO clue what he is fixing to be handed tomorrow.
            God he is stupid, I've never seen a N spend their money on a Hearse.


            • #7
              Our new boss just got fired. woo hoo. He was a jackass too. He called the guy I work with trailer trash, pissed off the owners, and didn't know what he was doing, after actually saying "i know everything". Glad to see him go back to Mich.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Alberta hearse club View Post
                I mean, I'm not racist, I hate people of every color and nationality equally. Most people suck and I've learned to live with that.
                Xs 2


                • #9
                  wher do u work that he can get away with saying that? by the way congrats on the trade, but will you drive down the dirt road w/ it for our next party???


                  • #10
                    hell yeah tim, she has tires on those overpriced

                    Here's the update. I win! Got a transfer to a location much closer to my house, and a raise.


                    • #11
                      Schweeeet! Congrats StrayCat.


                      • #12
                        If I broke out the "N" word at my job, My walking papers would arrive in about 2 minutes.

                        But ya know....thats probably the way it should be.


                        • #13
                          It just infuriates me to know that people of posision think they can do anything to thier employees and get away with it. Just walked out on my last job for the same thing....The director was constantly accusing me of all the damages to the properties no matter what, that and sending me for "random" drug testing every month, out of eight employees, my name came up every month????? yeh right. Anyway I feel your pain man...and now know that I should be self employed in order to avoid the ASS HOLES that think they are running your life, I have a life....the job just pays for it.......


                          • #14
                            your all to Mellow lol, I probably would have asked him to say it to my face and if he did when he got closer, I woulda punched him right in the nose lol, then I would have gotten fired and told that I should have gone to my superiors instead because thats not the way to handle it. But I would have felt better and the guy would prob think twice before saying it to someone again. anyways atleast you got out of the shithole and at a better location. any idea what the repercussions are for the old bosshole?

                            I have been self employed for a long time now, I am remembering why now


                            • #15
                              I pretty sure no one here has ever used that word

