So I get the 59 on the 10th, Valentines day is on the 14th. I have a "friend" date on Valentines, I tell her were driving the Caddie she says ok. Later that night she gets sick and can't attend. I end up driving the Caddie around solo that night just me and her great date!!!. All the dudes were hatin! Tonight I had a long awaited date, it's set in stone! I try to decide what car to drive(caddie or explorer) she told me to go with my mood she didn't care. Caddie it is. So I go out to give her the pre flight inspection she won't turn over PERIOD!!! Nothing. At that point the phone rings, it's my date she discovers a huge math project she needs to get done and cancels our date. Well I'm still taking the Caddie out!! But I have to get her cranked first. We re set the date I pop the hood slightly turn the battery terminal and she cranks right up. Hmmmmmm. A while ago I get a call from a dame (by chance) she wants to hang out tonight, I told her fine were taking the Caddie though. She said it's to cold for the Caddie, I said it's warm now and you'll be drunk later so it don't matter, WERE taking the Caddie or call some other sucker. "fine we'll take the Caddie" I know we will. Poor bitch doesn't know she'll be choking on a burger later, she really shouldn't have said that. That is if The Caddie decides to crank now or the chick doesn't all the sudden get sick.
Christine died as a 58 one year later she came back. LOL

Christine's Revenge.
Christine died as a 58 one year later she came back. LOL

Christine's Revenge.
