I have a laptop on XP Home and a desktop on XP Pro. They both connect to a wireless router. They're on the same subnet, same workgroup name, same subnet and mask. They can always ping each other, but...
I can't map shares using the GUI. In fact, I can't even see the other box on this network in the GUI "map network drive" window, even though I can ping it by hostname. The workgroup names are the same. I can map the drive using the net command with no problem, but that's a pain in the ass. When I open the map window, the network shows up with nothing on it but the workgroup name, not even my local machine...sometimes. Sometimes I get only my machine, sometimes the other machine but with the shares missing. Connecting as a priv user doesn't help. Of course I've double-checked it all and rebooted. Here is what worked:
C:\Documents and Settings\morella.TOWELIE.000>net use Z: \\render2\D
The password or user name is invalid for \\render2\D.
Enter the user name for 'render2': morella
Enter the password for render2:
The command completed successfully.
At the time this worked, nothing showed up in the GUI, not even my own machine. Is Windows just fucked, or can this be fixed?
I can't map shares using the GUI. In fact, I can't even see the other box on this network in the GUI "map network drive" window, even though I can ping it by hostname. The workgroup names are the same. I can map the drive using the net command with no problem, but that's a pain in the ass. When I open the map window, the network shows up with nothing on it but the workgroup name, not even my local machine...sometimes. Sometimes I get only my machine, sometimes the other machine but with the shares missing. Connecting as a priv user doesn't help. Of course I've double-checked it all and rebooted. Here is what worked:
C:\Documents and Settings\morella.TOWELIE.000>net use Z: \\render2\D
The password or user name is invalid for \\render2\D.
Enter the user name for 'render2': morella
Enter the password for render2:
The command completed successfully.
At the time this worked, nothing showed up in the GUI, not even my own machine. Is Windows just fucked, or can this be fixed?