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Cox Sux Dix

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  • Cox Sux Dix

    After just having paid $330 to Cox, I got an email saying that I I owe them another $190. Excuse me, but what happened to the $130 a month that I was supposed to be paying?

    Well, they send all email notices to me, and I always pay them, but they can't talk to me on the phone because they don't have Tony's permission, which he just gave them two months ago.

    So Tony called from Tennessee and they said that they could only discuss this account matter if they called HIM back on our home phone...which...I sitting next to me in Tucson?

    Well, fuck it. We have cell phones already, Jenny doesn't need a phone to yack on all night. As for Internet access, there are plenty of ways to get it, legally. We tried to pay Cocks and they wouldn't take our money, so obviously they don't need it.

    I'm getting so sick of this utility mentality, "We're the only game in town, love it or lump it." Does Cox know that wireless 802.11n Gigabit is on the shelves at Wal-mart, while Cox is piping 12 Mbps into our house through a cable? They've spent megabucks putting glass in the ground that won't be worth its weight in Coke bottles soon.

    We put together Fidonet in the 80's because the assholes at AOL, Prodigy, Compuserve, and the phone company were charging too much money, and disgruntled computer professionals will find a way around this bullshit too. In this case, though, it's not so much a matter of charging too much as it is just absolute stupidity in their management.

    (end of grunt)