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  • Kidnapping

    Remember last month when my neurotic acquaintance called the police and I was thrown into the nut house? The first day, they took me to the wrong place, and that place billed my insurance for $3000. Then they kept me in the nut house for a week, even after the acquaintenance had called twice to tell them that she was mistaken and please let me out. That place also billed $3000.

    Now please tell me the difference between kidnapping, which is snatching people with guns and locking them up for money, and

    Mental health petitioning, which is snatching people with guns and locking them up for money?

    Of course I tried to call them and remind them that the police said that the state was responsible for paying for the bill, and kept getting transferred from one department to the other.

    So Tony and I came up with an idea. We own a corporation, and we have the right to form other corporations underneath it; for instance, a computer service and security company? We even have the knowledge to back it up. We'll start sending bills to these hospitals, formatted up really nice by Quickbooks for computer services. Maybe they'll just pay them, or maybe they'll call the phone number onone the invoice, which will lead them to the transportation division. For computer billing services, that's a different phone number, and we don't have it. They'll have to look it up...or maybe I'lll transfer them to another voice, like they do on Crank Yankers. I can do a few different voices.

    Since they've threatened to send my bill for kidnapping me to the credit reporting services...Expérian has been trying to get us to sign up with them. We'll just do it, and send their unpaid bills there.

    I am really fucking tired of people theatening me because "they own a corporation." Well, I own one too, mutherfuckers.
