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Fucking phone bills kids, fuckity fuck

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  • Fucking phone bills kids, fuckity fuck

    I just got a bundle bill, with an extra $100 on for two months' worth of phone calls to Jenny's friend. Two months before that, we paid another $100, and told her no more long distance. When I got the email bill notice from Cox, it seemed a little high, so I asked her, "Did you make any more long-distance phone calls? She said no, so I spent two hours figuring out how to log into the Cocks website, and there were the phone calls, all the way up to yesterday.

    Is there any reason why a person needs a home phone? We're already paying for cell phones. The only thing I can think of is my prescription refills, and I can go change that. I'm thinking of just killing it. I've been coughing my lungs out for six months and I can't make the $25 copay at the doctor, but we can pay $50 a month for her to yack on the phone? Fuck it, why not just have them cut it off?

    Maybe I'm venting, but really, do I need a home phone?

    Does she need to stay up until 2-3am on the phone, and then me get calls that she's falling asleep in class? Fuck it, she can use Yahoo chat, but her Internet goes off at 9pm.

    I spent 6 days locked up because I told the truth the whole way, and every one of those doctors, cops and staff lied to me. I still told the truth, because that's what I do, and I don't like to be lied to. I'd be willing to bet you that Jenny knows where my gun is, or that she even gave it away or sold it. Just when I thought that bitch was getting to be friends with me, she costs me $700 by lying to me.

    Well, I have Tony's agreement in turning off the phone, so unless I can think of a reason not to by tomorrow (today), it's gone.

    I hate being pissed off. especially when I'm lied to or stolen from.


  • #2
    Cox phone? Isn't that VOIP? Shouldn't it be free long distance then (in the USA, if she's calling overseas that could present a problem).

    We have VOIP service through Wide Open West (along with cable TV and internet) and used to use Comcast (because they bought out MediaOne, who bought out Continental Cablevision). I was never a huge fan of Comcast but MediaOne was decent. Anyhow we're pretty happy with the service.

    If you use DSL you can get "naked DSL" and do without the TV as well, which I read a nice article on at and thought it was worth mentioning.

    The only advantages I can see in having a land line phone is MARVIN (which doesn't apply to you but something similar might,1607,7...8493--,00.html) and cellphones aren't the best option to use with this type of system.

    The other reason is if the cell towers go out and the power goes out you still have power from the telephone company to make outgoing calls. However if you're using VOIP the battery backup lasts around two hours, and the cell towers don't usually go out. This is a moot point if all your telephones in the house are cordless anyway, which is why I keep one corded phone in my room that I can hook up if I need to. I used to have a cordless on a UPS (when I had a UPS system) and that also worked out nicely.


    • #3
      No, it's not VOIP. In fact, the cell phones are Sprint. That's pretty handy if the cable or Internet goes have a totally different network to use to call in the problem.


      • #4
        VOIP is land line, even though it technically isn't the POTS.

        I didn't know Cox did actual phone that wasn't VOIP, I thought they were a cable company.


        • #5
          Is there a full-duplex VOIP? We had VOIP at my last employer, and it was half-duplex. That was a lot of fun in conference calls.

