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What would you do?

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  • What would you do?

    We have a little trouble with broken glass around my house.

    The first story I got about the back window of my hearse the Friday before last was that my daughter Jenny didn't want to get into a teenager named Nathan's truck. Nathan came by and waited by the house, then someone started shooting and they drove off. There was always something about this story that didn't ring true; for instance, no one saw a truck waiting here.

    Thursday, someone shot out Jenny's bedroom window and then took off in a vehicle with a loud exhaust. The sound of this exhaust matched the sound of Nathan's truck.

    Jenny is very good at intercepting information, and she found that this kid took his pellet guns over to some other kid's house Friday, soon after the hearse incident, without his permission, or "As if to hide them", was the kid's quote. After the incident Thursday, the kid found that one of the pellet guns was no longer there.

    This kid Nathan used to collect weapons such as knives and swords, and his mother took them away because he was carrying them in his truck.

    A story intercepted from a kid who may have been in the truck when the hearse was vandalized was that Nathan just went around the corner and shot. The truck that went around the corner matches the description of Nathan's truck.

    Although Nathan has most likely commited three felonies, this isn't enough evidence to take to court; however, I have a very hot temper sometimes. When Jenny gave me the last piece of evidence, I picked up my AK47, snapped in a 30-round mag and ran the bolt. She asked what I was going to do, and I told her that if I saw that truck, I was going to blow it in half, which I would have done.

    Any ideas? I don't have any, except that I put a floodlight aimed at the alley to blind anyone trying to shoot over the fence at night, and I may lean some plywood sheets around the house, some of them conveniently blocking windows, and start working with some Lexan or polycarbonate. The drug store tried not to renew my prescription for Valium, but I talked them into it, because I need to be doing the above, or anything else that someone might think of, instead of getting thrown into prison. I've heard that it's worse than the mental hospital.

    Oh, and I'm already planning to call the kid's mother and tactfully try to tell her about this, but all I have is her work number, so it may be Monday. Jenny reminded me about her confiscating the swords, so I may not be too tactful, but I will tell her that my goal is to top this, and see if I can get her to work on her son. My guess is that the kid doesn't have a father. I know what that's like, but it's no excuse to endanger a child or destroy very expensive property.

  • #2
    And I tried the police too. They wouldn't even come out until I said that "Felonies have been committed here, and we feel that we are in imminent danger", which is legaleze for "We're going to shoot someone". Then they came out, verified that it looked like pellet gun damage, gave us a piece of paper and left.


    • #3
      How about a thick car cover for your coach. I have one if you want it. Its not in the best shape, but it might slow down a pellet.
      I really think that if it is covered, it will draw less attention to it. The "thrill" might be taken down a notch.
      I might "stretch" the truth a little the next time I call the police. "Oh my god there is a truck idling in front of my house.....Oh shit he is pointing a gun at me....Oh no! He is getting out and banging on the door.....I think he is going to kick it in....." The police get there, but he is already gone. But you have a great description of him and his truck.


      • #4
        I looked it up in the statutes. An air gun uses a compressed gas to fire a projectile, so it is a firearm as much as a 30.06 is. If someone points a firearm at me, I have the right to use a firearm to defend myself.

        How much shipping to 85730 for that car cover?




        • #5
          I think I'm going to start giving Jenny a ride to and from school, too. Since her window was broken from the back of the house, we might be dealing with a sicko who has rejection issues. As my neighbor says, if she's not interested in one gun, he might be reaching for a bigger one.

          I'm going to fax his mother, as well, so that I can get my thoughts together, and maybe she can discuss it with him. If someone else at her work sees it, tough shit. There won't be anything but testimony and facts in it. I would be happy to talk to him as well. He's not more dangerous than I am.


          • #6
            It cant be much. Send me a PM and I'll take care of it.

