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  • OK,OK,OK....

    OK, maybe MS isn't funny, but come on now, grow a pair and answer me, and if you're too shy to talk about fucking, maybe you'd be happier in the first forum?

    Suppose you GUYS thought of your wife or girlfriend as fragile because she was injured in the neck and back? How hard would you push her away if she turned vampire, started using the teeth on your neck, earlobes and nipples, and reached into your pants?

    I can't imagine this, but what if you still didn't want to fuck her? Would you turn your back on her? Grab her hands and hold her back? Yell at her to stop it? Because I know I couldn't resist it, especially knowing that there's nothing wrong with doing it. But would you do whatever it took to stop her, regardless of her feelings?

    Oh, the feelings are flying now. She's sitting in her recliner with a case of hot panties, and he's wondering why she's suddenly doing this when he can't wait to get out his laptop and play online poker, ignoring her completely, and she's wondering if he's fucking lot lizards, cut off his dick in a chain, or just thinks she's ugly. I know the motherfucker can get it up, so don't go there, girlfriend.

    What would you do if she told you that if she couldn't get what she needed from you, she was going somewhere else to get it?

    And, finally, what if she would do it in the morning and make you scrambled eggs afterward? Still turn it down and head for your laptop? Sometimes I wonder if an HP Pavilion comes with a vagina in the bottom of it.

    Look...I've met a lot of you guys personally, I consider most of you my friends, and I can't believe that you're all too shy to talk sex. There's a warning on the forum and we're not breaking any rules here, and I haven't listened to much country music or fucked a bunch of women, but I have my sense of humor back. All it took was some good drugs, some sleep, some funky music and caffeine.