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The Bar Scene

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  • The Bar Scene

    Does anyone on a dating site ever say, "I AM into the bar scene"? I get so fucking sick anf tired of reading, "I'm into the bar scene..."

    I LIKE the bar scene. I like to shoot pool, play darts and shuffleboard, sing karaoke, smoke dope on the patio, and occasionally sneak out to somebody's car to snort a few lines. If I find someone who wants to fuck, that's even better.

    Now why in the hell wouldn't anybody like the bar scene?

  • #2
    Is the mini-rant about the overuse of the apostrophe and contractions, or is it that too many people are actually into the bar scene?


    • #3

      they taste good!!!


      • #4
        Working in the bar scene I know a lot of people who don't like it and don't want to go out. The major reasons are: recovering from alcoholism, thinks every woman in the joint is a skank/every guy is a creep (only true at City Club), cheaper for them to drink at home (or in their car before going in), or they are just anti-social.

        Personally I love the bar and I don't drink/do drugs and avoid most of the skanks. I mostly go for the music and I've made some friends over the years that are regulars.


        • #5
          I just have to wonder why I would want to have coffee in the park with a 55-year-old when I could bump, grind, snort, guzzle, and take home and lick a 25-year-old from the bar.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Morella View Post
            I just have to wonder why I would want to have coffee in the park with a 55-year-old when I could bump, grind, snort, guzzle, and take home and lick a 25-year-old from the bar.
            Maybe because the 25 year old is an immature prick who doesn't know shit about shit and the 55 year old is more experienced and worldly?

            Of course the opposite could be true as well, I've met some smart kids, and some really stupid "adults" who apparently went senile early.

            The only differences I can really see in age are you just hurt more after a while but if you really try you can do all the things you've done while you were younger, as can they.

            You can also find the bar crowd in the wild too, although it is a bit harder. Not everyone into crazy sex goes into bars either.

            In City Club you can throw a rock and hit a random person. Chances are pretty damned good they'll have an STD since that place is a meatmarket without any FDA regulation.

