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news flash

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  • news flash

    This just in. They are removing all the seat-belts from the presidential limo and air force one.

    velcro is being installed on the ceilings .

    that is all .

  • #2
    today is a good day for change - start with your underwear


    • #3
      i gots ta wait till saturday !!! huck! huck !


      • #4
        Now you know why they started that "children need a booster seat" advertising shit. It's to get dem nappy heads up deah where da alternative restraint system be installed. Ford specs to have dis option becomin' standahd 'quipment when da niggahs owns Ford.

        I don't want to hear any complaints about nigger jokes on the forum. First of all, this is an uncensored, get your black ass out of it if you don't like it" forum" Second of all and worse yet, look what your "we need to love everyone, kuhm bye yah" attitude got you.

        AN AFRICAN (no, not "African-American"), an AFRICAN MUSLIM COMMUNIST PRESIDENT.

        Don't like what I'm saying? Tough shit. It's an opinion. At least until your Obararama gets into power, congress can't stop us from expressing them. Sometimes I wonder why people go to so much trouble to misinterpret the "free speech" amendment anyway...children who have been raised watching television and movies in which the monkey is always the hero are going to want a monkey for a leader, maybe even after they lose their house because an "equal opportunity American party" official has more of a need for it than they do. Of course, young people can't equate this with Communist Russia, because they have their television on the wrong channel. It's on the one that shows movies about black men being the heros and saving white people's lives, with a white woman by their sides.

        I'm sick with this.

        Electing an african muslim president is going to bring on an onslaught of nigger jokes. Whether or not it will bring on violence later on, I don't know, but right now, the nigger joke is absolutely the healthiest, most peaceful way to blow off steam about it. Fortunately, our leadership on this board was intelligent enough to realize that topics like this would arise in our lives, and created this very healthy "if you don't like it, change the channel" forum.

        The only political action I am commiting to so far is to participate in any nigger joke thread that shows up here, and I just thought I would put this out now, before the complaints started coming in, even though we won't be the ones who hear them!


        • #5
          I heard they're taking out the rose garden... to put in a watermelon patch.

          Also would like to say that most "equal opportunity American parties" are anything but equal.

          Oh yeah I have something for you all that a friend sent me.

          Originally posted by an e-mail
          Unfortunately, it is so very true.........

          Proud To Be White
          Someone finally said it.
          How many are actually paying attention to this?

          There are African Americans,
          Mexican Americans,
          Asian Americans,
          Arab Americans,
          Native Americans, etc.
          .....And then there are just -

          You pass me on the street
          and sneer in my direction.
          You Call me 'White boy,'
          'Cracker,' 'Honkey,'
          'Whitey,' 'Caveman,'
          .....And that's OK.

          But when I call you Nigger,
          Kike, Towel head,
          Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey,
          Beaner, Gook, or Chink,
          .....You call me a racist.

          You say that whites commit a lot
          of violence against you,
          so why are the ghettos the most
          dangerous places to live?

          You have the United Negro College Fund.
          You have Hispanic History Month.
          You have Martin Luther King Day.
          You have Asian History Month.
          You have Black History Month.
          You have Cesar Chavez Day.
          You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi.
          You have Yom Hashoah.
          You have Kawanza.
          You have the NAACP.
          And you have BET.

          If we had WET (White Entertainment Television)
          .....We'd be racists.

          If we had a White Pride Day
          .....You would call us racists.

          If we had White History Month
          .....We'd be racists.

          If we had any organization for only whites
          to 'advance' OUR lives,
          .....We'd be racists.

          We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce,
          a Black Chamber of Commerce,
          and then we just have the plain
          Chamber of Commerce.
          Wonder who pays for that?

          If we had a college fund that only gave
          white students scholarships
          .....You know we'd be racists...

          There are over 60 openly-proclaimed
          Black-only Colleges in the US ,
          yet if there were 'White-only Colleges'
          .....THAT would be a racist college.

          In the Million-Man March,
          you believed that you were
          marching for your race and rights.
          If we marched for our race and rights,
          .....You would call us racists.

          You are proud to be black,
          brown, yellow and red,
          and you're not afraid to announce it.
          But when we announce our white pride
          .....You call us racists.

          You rob us,
          carjack us,
          and shoot at us.
          But, when a white police officer
          shoots a black gang member
          or beats up a black drug-dealer
          who is running from the LAW and
          posing a threat to ALL of society
          .....You call him a racist.

          I am proud... ...But, you call me a racist.
          Why is it that only whites can be racists?
          I'd also like to clarify that I am NOT racist against intelligent black people. I've got a lot of black friends who truly believe in equal rights and working for what they have.

          These are strange times we live in, and having a half-black president now I can't tell if he'll promote equal rights or "equal rights". Although if he wants a second term he should hold off on equal rights until after the second election.

          I'd also like to hear what the black users on the forum have to say about this thread and the situation in general. I can think of at least one.

