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Mitch Mitchell dead...

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  • Mitch Mitchell dead...

    The world officially sucks cock now.

  • #2
    'tis a shame, although they didn't mention my favorite, The Wind Cries Mary, maybe because it wasn't all about percussion like Fire.

    When I was in my 20's, a 16-year-old kid taught me the chords to Purple Haze, which just bedazzled me. My favorite tune to play from that era was the guitar part to Janis's Piece of My Heart, when she was with Big Brother, though. I can't remember the word for it now, something similar to "interpolate", but I pulled it down from listening to the record, and I did the tremolo with my fingers. In the 80's, I used to bong out and jam with those records (those big black things with grooves in them, for the young folks), for hours. I kept the distortion high, but the volume low so as not to disturb the neighbors. I wish more musicians would learn to do that, but of course this is all about the drummer, and the only way he can muffle is to build a box.


