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  • UP...DOWN...UP...DOWN...

    I checked our settlements, and it looks like part of the child support scam is over with, which makes sense, since the kid turned 18 six months ago. We were paying $900/mo, and now it's $640.

    Unfortunately, we blew a compressor line fitting in the middle of a sweet, 8400 lb., 1100 mile load. The tow truck punctured our oil pan, and of course I couodn't be there to inspect it with the pan off, so all I could do was tell Tony some tests to do. We're back up, and we have a trailer now, but we have to wait for another load, and we're out the $500 for the tow. We're not even halfway through our warranty, but they don't include towing. I sure wish they did.

    I got everything worked out with the FAA and they're sending me the forms I need to get the airplane into the corp., but now I'm all fucked up from the ladder accident. I fell off a ladder, and my back broke a bunch of brass plumbing stuff out of the wall. They called it a chest wall separation, which usually means broken ribs as well. It hurts to breathe, so maybe one punctured a lung.

    The last good news, is, I guess, that I get to take the weekend off, and maybe heal up naturally. I sure hope so, anyway. Sometimes, when you've been on medicine for chronic pain as long as I have, any injury hurts more. At least I can breathe more deeply, even if it hurts like hell.

    Be good to yourself,
