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Gun owners beware

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  • Gun owners beware

    Buy them while you can....

    The Obama administration will seek to reinstitute the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 during the Bush administration, Attorney General Eric Holder said today.

  • #2
    yeah i figured that was coming


    • #3
      JUST got my permit reinstated.

      Now to wait to the prices to skyrocket to sell one gun bought in the Clinto era for a decent price.

      In the meantime buy what I want to replace it with first.


      • #4
        the prices have already been skyrocketing since before the election


        • #5
          Well I paid 2K for this AR-15 pistol so i may need to wait a little longer to recover that.


          • #6
            yeah i reckon so


            • #7
              Originally posted by Xanthus View Post
              JUST got my permit reinstated.

              Now to wait to the prices to skyrocket to sell one gun bought in the Clinto era for a decent price.

              In the meantime buy what I want to replace it with first.

              Yeah , I just bought a Carbon 15 myself....pretty sweet little bastards. But as for everything else, I've been buying almost non stop since way before Obama, so fuck him, can we say Pre-Ban?


              • #8
                We have AK47's, but I can do more damage firing one shot at a time and aiming than I could firing full auto and spraying like a gangstah with a Mac-10. We also have an extremely accurate .22 rifle that can do just as much damage to human life with well-placed head shots, but that is the last thing I would ever want to do. I don't even like to hit someone, even if they're swinging at me. I'd rather restrain them. As for spraying lead, I only go rapid-fire when I want to destroy an object, like a car, or a building. And no, I am not saying that ours are full auto, just that we can have a lot of fun with them, in a safe environment.

                If this is anything like the old weapons ban, I wouldn't sweat it. It didn't mean shit; in fact, one company was selling an assault rifle with the letters "PB" in the model, which stood for "post-ban". It may be a collector's item by now. The only thing that pissed me off about it was that I couldn't get a 15-rd. magazine from Ruger, but I could still get them from pro-mag, and I could get a 100-rd. mag for an AK at a gun show, or a 50-rd mag (you should see this thing) for a Colt ACP, for people who like to grind down their secondary sears. Whatever happened to Roebuck anyway?

                What Obama Hussein is going to do is go after the ammunition. There was/is a plan to require manufacturers to produce their ammo with matching numbers on the bullet and cartridge, and anyone caught with any other ammo would be fined $5,000 per round. That would leave some people I know owing more than the national debt if they got raided. If they pass that law and the police start going door to door, you might as well open up on them and take a few out, one round at a time, head shots, because you can't flush 10,000 rounds of ammo down the toilet. I would just as soon make some people think twice in the future and martyr myself than to spend the rest of my life in prison. A human being's natural reaction is to save his life, but when they slam the doors on his cell and he realizes that he has wasted his life, it's already too late. And before you rag on me for calling Obama "Hussein", that's his real name. It is just taboo in the liberal press.

                If they wanted to, they could end all of this violence just by legalizing the drugs for people over 21, as they were forced to do with booze (I'm not a drinker, and I would still get my pain medicine from my doctor). History repeats itself because people never fucking learn. Sure, there would be stupid people who would OD and take themselves out of the gene pool, and children would get a hold of it just like they do booze, but that's already happening, and some people need to be taken out of the gene pool before we become an idiocracy.

                I have a feeling that this opinion may be more popular than some people think...there just aren't too many people who want to say it, and those who are opposed to it are very vocal, and misleading (word twisters). Nobody wants to advocate death in this country, although they have no problem shipping it overseas where we don't have to look out the window and see it. By this action, they are saying that death is OK if it is justified. Keeping drugs illegal is causing thousands of deaths, including most of the "child gun death incidents", statistics which include 17-year-old "gangstahs" shot by police or each other, so why are drugs illegal? To keep people from dying from them? Does that made sense? Or perhaps it has more to do with jazz musicians raping white girls?

                I'm asking people to stop and think. Death is an ugly thing, and despite that I live in agony every day, I don't want to die, or I would have popped myself a long time ago. I'm not afraid to die for a good cause, but we're encouraging people to kill each other to protect themselves from a "dangerous" substance (I'm talking about what is going on within our borders), as well as fighting a war and risking invasion by sending enough drug money south of the border to pay off the national debt, enabling those people to kill off our border patrol and innocent ranchers as well as each other, with the weapons that they buy, which they could get from any country. I would be the first one to agree that something needs to be done, but taking away the hypocrisy would be a better solution than taking away our own bullets!



                • #9
                  I have no problem at all with ending someones life for fucking up. I actually look forward to it. I actually poise myself at the ready most of the time at intersections,especially downtown and especially in my new car. I long to look into one of those dumb motherfuckers eyes as he looks into mine and realizes I am seriously enjoying myself with every pull of the trigger, and I will definitely not give a flying fuck about it later. And with the economy as it currently is, these dumb bastards are getting bolder. Just the other day two guys kicked in an old man's door down the street from me on pleasant hill road. He shot one of them in the chest at point blank range with a shotgun, killing him instantly, and the other ran his ass off. I won't say that I will "advocate death", but I am a firm supporter of "instant justice".


                  • #10
                    Yep, been lotsa talk about it on glocktalk. One theory is he will wait till after the 10 elections.

                    I was just at walmart yesterday, added 60 rounds of 223 to the collection, and ordered a lower parts kid for 1 of my stipped dpms recievers today.


                    • #11
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