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need your thoughts and prayers

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  • need your thoughts and prayers

    My dad, Charlie, is going into the hospital on Monday for a very serious operation. They will be operating Tuesday and Wednesday. About 10 years ago he had an Aorta Anerusym. They replaced almost 18 inches of his Aorta artery. Well it started to anerusym again just below the first one. Due to the first operation he has had health problems. So this next one will be very dangerous to him.

    Tuesday the have to reroute arteies and veins to him major organs. Then Wednesday they will put a sleeve around the anerusym and then drain it.

    So please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. He's a Vietnam Vet and has done everything he can to provide for his family.

    Thank you so very much.


  • #2
    I wish him the best


    • #3
      Well wishes to him and your family.


      • #4
        We hope everything turns out great!

        If you need us just let us know...we are only a phone call away!


        • #5
          Got you and your Dad in our prayers. Hope all turns out well.


          • #6
            Hope everything works out ok! Keep us posted man.


            • #7
              Yikes! Thats a tough one.
              My best to your Dad and your family.


              • #8
                Positive thoughts to you in this difficult time...


                • #9
                  I wish you all the best and salute your dad since he's a Vietnam veteran... thank you for serving your country & get well soon!


                  • #10
                    Neener and I will be pulling for him, bro.


                    • #11
                      Hope he comes out ok.


                      • #12
                        Thank you everyone. Thank you so much, I will let him know everyone is thinking about him.


                        • #13
                          That sounds like a lot of plumbing. I wish him all the best.



                          • #14

                            I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and concerns.
                            He went into surgery this morning (Tues) around 8 am, he finally got out just after 6pm. This was the first operation. They graphed new arteries to reroute the blood flow to his kidneys, liver and guts. They said everything went well. His blood pressure was stable thru out the whole operation, and he only lost, maybe a litre of blood. Very minimum blood lost. They were able to tie off the orginal blood supply to the guts and kidneys, but not the liver. There was to much scare tissue from his first operation in 1995. So when they do the next operation they will put a plug into the liver artery from the inside. His kidneys are producing urine which means they are working. Another good sign.
                            We saw him when they got him settled into ICU. He looks good, He has a good color to him and resting peacefully. They said he will be in ICU for a couple of days, they will probably wake him up late tomorrow morning. Then if everything still looks good, they will put him in a room for a few days. Then they will either take him back in to surgery in about a week to work on the Aneurysm. Or they will send him home for 2 or 3 weeks to let his body heal a little then bring him back in to work on the Aneursym.
                            But now is just a sit and wait and see how things go, but things seem to be good right now.


                            • #15
                              We are happy for you and your family....if you need anything just give us a call!

