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What ever happened to "Guilty or Not Guilty"?

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  • What ever happened to "Guilty or Not Guilty"?

    How is it that the judge sees this guy as not responsible for cutting another mans head off. It was witnessed by several people on that bus!

    When did the plee of Not Guilty or Guilty get changed? I had to go to court last year to state that my vehicle (trike) was not considered a motorcycle therefore I did not need a motorcycle license to drive it. When I approached the bench and he read me the complaint, I was all set with what I was going to say. I had pictures and all. He asks " How do you plee? Responsible or Not responsible?". " Not guilt...wait what did you ask?" I am a responsible driver, should I plee responsible? What the hell is that crap?!? Did some suit out there decide that was demeaning to the perp? YOUR IN FRIGGIN COURT!! How much more demeaning can it get?
    This guy should stand for what he did! Not go away to a hospital for the rest of his life. I read how easy it is to fake "Mental Illness" in court. Obviously this guy was on some kind of drugs, because I can not see anyone letting someone out "mainstreaming" in public if he was this screwed up.
    "He will be institutionalized without a criminal record and will be reassessed every year by a mental health review board to determine if he is fit for release into the community."
    WTF?!? Let him out right now while the horror is still fresh in the victims minds...we'll take care of him better....I believed God wanted him to killed because the young man was "a force of evil."

  • #2
    There is a Japanese cannibal named Issei Sagawa, that killed and ate a Dutch girl in Paris. He was found legally insane and unfit to stand trial. He was put in a mental institution in France. Somehow is father got him transferred to Tokyo. He got out and became a celebrity in Japan, for a while. He is still free, he commited the murder in 1981. How's that for justice?


    • #3
      First of all, this person is guilty of premeditated murder because they don't have plastic bag dispensers on buses. Since he had the foresight to bring the plastic bags with him to put the body parts into, and the knife on his person, he obviously planned the murder in advance.

      There is no cure for schizophrenia, so evaluating him once a year is a waste of time. Also, schizophrenics normally know the difference between right and wrong, which, in the US, would rule out the mental health defense.

      According to my studies in psychology, the suicide rate is high among schizophrenics, not because voices tell them to kill themselves, but because their condition causes them much misery, and they don't want to live with it anymore. My first impression is that this sounds like an attempted "suicide by cop" that went bad, and a piss-poor job by the prosecution.



      • #4
        Our Canadian, pussy footing, lame ass legal system, at it's best...

