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Ruby Ridge

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  • Ruby Ridge

    I'm watching the special on it now. I had to take several valium, and I'm still so angry that I'm shaking. You wouldn't believe how much pain that causes to a spinal injury.

    Even though most of the government's actions resulted from too many agencies and too many mistakes, what happened on the hill was nothing more than a massacre.

    I wouldn't saw off a shotgun like Randy Weaver supposedly did, and I'm not into white supremacy, but neither would I shoot a 13-year-old boy in the back, or shoot and kill a woman who wasn't doing anything but holding a door open. Tony and I want to move into a remote cabin someday, and I'm always going to wonder if some miscommunication could result in an army coming up the hill.

    It's a good thing that they still remind us of Waco and Ruby Ridge, though. Just like Hitler's reign, which some people think is being repeated by Obama, we shouldn't ever forget these things, and I hope that every law enforcement and federal agent who was up there, especially the ones who killed women and children, watch this program and feel a stab of guilt...maybe one that they can't live with.

    Humans don't deserve this planet, but nor does it deserve to be irradiated. I hope that they find a way to kill each other without taking out the rest of nature, and I hope that I've found my way home before it happens.


  • #2
    Ever watch the movie "Arlington Road"?


    • #3
      I have met Randy Weaver and his oldest daughter, they were both pretty cool, got him to autograph his book for me.
      The government really set him up and fucked him over good.
      You really can't trust the gornerment and it just seems to get worse each year.


      • #4
        Where did you meet Randy Weaver? Is he still in Idaho? That is one of my favorite states, and still a possibility to move to. The white supremacy stuff is further north in the mountains, near Couer d'Alene. I lived in Boise for nearly 3 years, and I partied my ass off...staying drunk and high 24 hours a day, flying Convairs and my old Cherokee, water skiing at Lucky Peak, snow skiing at Bogus Basin. It was a blast. The days seem to last forever there, even though the weather is nice most of the year. You can party in the daylight until 11 pm and wake up with the roosters, bong out and watch the sun come up. I used to bong out and read the 64-71 Chilton's book (a must-have, for the pics if nothing else), until I settled on a '70 Toronado. Tony and I took a trip there a couple of years ago and stopped by the Alibi Tavern, one of my favorite haunts. Charlie Brown's is cool too...I used to throw a lot of people out of that place. Like Chris says, I'm 7' tall.

        I haven't read Arlington Road. What's it about?


        • #5
          Domestic terrorism. It has a twist so I would rather not spoil it.

          The main character's wife died in a ruby ridge style raid on a farm house where a legally owned collection of firearms was kept. Thus the plot in the story got thick.

          Read or was good.


          • #6
            I was going to order it from, but my computer blue-screened, probably because I installed the miracle program, bit Torrent.

            BTW, avoid this program like the plague. Even after you uninstall it from the control panel, it is still there, and I spent a lot of time cleaning out my registry and several disk directories.



            • #7
              I met Randy Weaver at a gun show here in Georgia. I guess he was on a book signing tour of some sort. It had slowed down when I got there and I was able to talk to him for a few minutes.


              • #8
                I wish you guys could talk to Tony. He has nothing to do but listen to the radio in his truck, and he has all the latest horror stories, like that Obama just surrended to Al Queda and paid them reparations.

                Of course there are some things I wouldn't want you to hear me say about him, like that he smells like tires.


