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  • #46
    Ozzy Paranoid


    • #47
      Finger Fuckin' Sally---David Allen Coe


      • #48
        I'm listening to the inst version of Marcia Baila that I just raped, and when I get done adding crashes, kicks, and blocks with Acid, it's going to sound better than when her fucking band played it. I think I'll include a nice "Fuck you Carolyn, you whore".

        In case you haven't figured it out yet, I am in a FUCK of a lot of pain. It looks like those four rent-a-cops who jumped me ended up beating me half to death. Now I wish I had gone ahead and smashed that first one's throat, instead of pulling back my strike after I rolled his hold. I did more damage to my shoulder than I did to his neck.

        Ah well...shit to talk about while waiting for the doctor and lawyer's offices to open. I figure that four hospital rent-a-cops (without badges, who didn't declare themselves), jumping a departing patient from behind and beating the hell out of her should be worth in the millions, if I can find a lawyer who isn't too much of a pusscake to take them on. The first one who can subpoena their camera tapes can take it. If they say they've erased them, it will just make them look more culpable, especially considering that they didn't even try to diagnose me. The negative tox screen is the icing on the cake, and every nurse in that hospital heard the story, and apologized to me. In court, that's an admission of guilt.

        And if I can't sue them, I will go to their office to make a brutality complaint, take a picture of that ogre in the security office and then leave.

        Words don't bother me, and I'll take on anyone my size, even a man, if you want to fight, but when people gang up and jump me and do permanent damage, I want blood.

        laaa laaa la la la laaaaaaaaaa OOMF!



        • #49
          Originally posted by Morella View Post
          I'm listening to the inst version of Marcia Baila that I just raped, and when I get done adding crashes, kicks, and blocks with Acid, it's going to sound better than when her fucking band played it. I think I'll include a nice "Fuck you Carolyn, you whore".

          In case you haven't figured it out yet, I am in a FUCK of a lot of pain. It looks like those four rent-a-cops who jumped me ended up beating me half to death. Now I wish I had gone ahead and smashed that first one's throat, instead of pulling back my strike after I rolled his hold. I did more damage to my shoulder than I did to his neck.

          Ah well...shit to talk about while waiting for the doctor and lawyer's offices to open. I figure that four hospital rent-a-cops (without badges, who didn't declare themselves), jumping a departing patient from behind and beating the hell out of her should be worth in the millions, if I can find a lawyer who isn't too much of a pusscake to take them on. The first one who can subpoena their camera tapes can take it. If they say they've erased them, it will just make them look more culpable, especially considering that they didn't even try to diagnose me. The negative tox screen is the icing on the cake, and every nurse in that hospital heard the story, and apologized to me. In court, that's an admission of guilt.

          And if I can't sue them, I will go to their office to make a brutality complaint, take a picture of that ogre in the security office and then leave.

          Words don't bother me, and I'll take on anyone my size, even a man, if you want to fight, but when people gang up and jump me and do permanent damage, I want blood.

          laaa laaa la la la laaaaaaaaaa OOMF!

          Wow! I really feel for you, and hope that you manage to get some justice.

          Coincidentally, I'm listening to Thin Lizzy, Fighting.


          • #50
            I am listening to the walls creaking, the crickets chirping, and the dog passing gas as I search for jobs on line and slowly pull my hair out.


            • #51
              Thanks, Seraph. Quelle belle nom de plume! My sister changed her name to Seran, and I have never known what it means. She won't tell anyone.

              I have the doctor, for tomorrow, at least, and my lawyer came to the phone as soon as he heard what happened. He is already having the papers drawn up.

              Geezus! Ten minutes after I talk to the lawyer...the phone just rang with a blocked number, somebody trying to get information about the call I just made, and wanting to know what his job title was, etc., but not willing to answer my questions. I just went to "I have no comment, sir, no comment." If that was round one, it goes to our side.

              Just a note, though...these little victories are good, but try not to let yourself get injured. It took a few days for my pain to really flare up, and it hasn't mellowed out a bit. When it's long-term or permanent, pain drags you down and destroys your life. If you take drugs for it, it's even worse. I can imagine buying another truck or plane, but if I'm suffering too badly to use it, or can't get a medical certificate because I have to go back on Oxycontin, well, lying on the beach somewhere every day might sound good, but day after day, and you'll be wishing that you could open your tool box and break out the hearse.

              I think I'll just open up my whole music directory and let the computer surprise me.



              • #52
                Listening to Dragstrip 77 'Daisy Dukes'


                • #53
                  Pat Travers Band Live - Boom Boom, Out Go The Lights

                  There's a classic.



                  • #54
                    Wow. Mama Told Me Not To Come Three Dog Night.

                    That goes back to my childhood, but I've never heard it on a house-shaking system like I have now.

                    Oh, my god...Smooth Operator. I had forgotten how much incredibly good shit I put on my media server.



                    • #55
                      Coon Town - Johnny Reb


                      • #56
                        Dead Weather "Cut's like a buffalo"....freakin weird stuff these kids are into.


                        • #57
                          I SOOO See Zak behind this video!


                          • #58
                            I SOOO See Zak behind this video!
                            I did that at an outdoor range one time with my Kalashnikov. It stirred up so much dust that everyone was blinded, and the old men who were sighting in their deer rifles were not happy with me at all.

                            Please don't spread this too far, but my mind flipped once when I got back from the hospital. I taped two mags to make a 60-round mag, put two extras in my front pockets, and two more mags loaded with tracers in my back pockets, a .357 on my left and a 9mm Ruger on my right, with a tracer mag in it. Then I turned my stereo up as loud as it could go and waited about an hour for someone to make a 911 complaint and les flics to knock on the door. I was going to open fire with the AK through the door, then set the bodies on fire and shred and blow up their car. Then I was going to carve "Glory" into the furniture on the AK and see how many more I could cut down when the Swat team got here. Yes, this is actually true. There is a little piece missing from my background that I don't talk about. I had to make a phone call and have someone come over who knew how to reset me.

                            You see, with our holy war on drugs going on, nobody believes that people have known some pretty bizarre ways to flip the switches in your brain, for some 7000 years or more. If you act erratically, you must be on meth. I had no drugs in my system...I was controlling my pain by eating nothing but raw sugar, which keeps your brain running, but puts your body into "hunter-killer" mode. I haven't eaten anything else for almost a week now, and I wasn't kidding or bragging when I said that I almost killed a security guard at the hospital, all over a fucking piece of paper that they wanted me to sign. When he snuck up behind me and grabbed my right arm, I expected him to have a knife in his left and try to pull me into it, and the counter to that attack is lethal. I snapped out of it with his grip broken and a "chop" hand weapon against his neck, which means that I must have pulled the strike back just in time.

                            Gawd, it's almost time for my doctor appointment. He'll write me as much pain medicine as I need, I'll take it and get a burger or something, and I'll be back to normal.

                            I shouldn't have watched that video, I guess, but I'm still cool.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Morella View Post
                              Please don't spread this too far, but my mind flipped once when I got back from the hospital. I taped two mags to make a 60-round mag, put two extras in my front pockets, and two more mags loaded with tracers in my back pockets, a .357 on my left and a 9mm Ruger on my right, with a tracer mag in it. Then I turned my stereo up as loud as it could go and waited about an hour for someone to make a 911 complaint and les flics to knock on the door. I was going to open fire with the AK through the door, then set the bodies on fire and shred and blow up their car. Then I was going to carve "Glory" into the furniture on the AK and see how many more I could cut down when the Swat team got here. Yes, this is actually true. There is a little piece missing from my background that I don't talk about. I had to make a phone call and have someone come over who knew how to reset me.

                              You see, with our holy war on drugs going on, nobody believes that people have known some pretty bizarre ways to flip the switches in your brain, for some 7000 years or more. If you act erratically, you must be on meth. I had no drugs in my system...I was controlling my pain by eating nothing but raw sugar, which keeps your brain running, but puts your body into "hunter-killer" mode. I haven't eaten anything else for almost a week now, and I wasn't kidding or bragging when I said that I almost killed a security guard at the hospital, all over a fucking piece of paper that they wanted me to sign. When he snuck up behind me and grabbed my right arm, I expected him to have a knife in his left and try to pull me into it, and the counter to that attack is lethal. I snapped out of it with his grip broken and a "chop" hand weapon against his neck, which means that I must have pulled the strike back just in time.

                              Gawd, it's almost time for my doctor appointment. He'll write me as much pain medicine as I need, I'll take it and get a burger or something, and I'll be back to normal.

                              I shouldn't have watched that video, I guess, but I'm still cool.
                              seriously...WTF??? Is this a cry for help or attention?


                              • #60
                                seriously...WTF??? Is this a cry for help or attention?
                                Nah, don't worry about it. It's just some bullshit that I made up for fun.


