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AAA is worth every damn penny!!

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  • AAA is worth every damn penny!!

    Took the Lincoln to check out the Darryl Starbird Custom Car Museum yesterday, sort of a shake down cruise for the trip to the Chariots of the Dead show in Joplin this weekend. We got there fine, but she threw a belt on the turnpike about two miles past the toll plaza on the way home.
    Buy that AAA Gold Card!!, I've usually driven deathtraps, so it has come in handy, but yesterday was the furthest away from home I've ever broke down......64 miles the driver told us. He was cool, dug the hearse, told us his kid wanted one, and asked if I was an EMT after seeing my NHAA patch!
    Looks like it was a combination of water pump and belt trouble, we're still gonna' make it to Joplin!
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  • #2
    I seem to hear a lot about water pump failures on hearses. Do you keep your antifreeze ratio correct? If the water pump seized, it could have taken the belt out with it. Hopefully the fan didn't scrape a hole in the radiator, but you should get a flashlight and look for that.

    I removed my fan clutch and went with a 1971 fan setup on my 1976, so that a sloppy clutch can't introduce a vibration into the water pump. It also spaces the fan just inside the shroud, which is where it needs for the older ones that don't have fan ducts.



    • #3
      Yeah, don't know why the two new jugs of anti-freeze wasn't a red flag to me...... New water pump, bolth belts and a heater hose....still gonna' make it to Joplin!


      • #4
        What freaks me out are people like my mother, and most of the black community, who think that idiot lights mean that the car is low on something (oil, brake fluid, or whatever). My mother was so proud that she figured out how to fix her car on her own...just add brake fluid when the light comes on. Sheesh! Don't let her follow me in traffic.

        Another deception seems to be that since cars don't have a little red light to tell you to put in transmission fluid, it is necessary to find a white person at a full-service station to check your transmission fluid, then go over to 7-11 and buy your gas. That's why we don't have many service stations anymore. I used to just sell them a can whether they needed it or not. Clutches and bands need a bath every now and then, don't they?



        • #5
          Yeah cuz no white person ever does stupid shit like not checking their fluids and locking their motors up, no that never happens huh?

