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<rant> Morons on Craigslist

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  • <rant> Morons on Craigslist

    Sorry, but I have to vent.

    I can't for the life of me understand how people are able to figure out how to post things on Craigslist, yet they seem to lack the skills that would be necessary to walk from their bed to the bathroom without killing themselves?

    All I want to do is buy a trailer. Is it too much to ask to have them measure the dimensions of the deck? How much weight it will handle? A picture of something other than the ass-end of it from two feet away? It's like they don't really want to sell anything. Do you seriously think I'm going to make a two hour drive (one way) to look at your trailer, which is clearly big enough to fit a small automobile, when you tell me it is "17 inches wide"?

    Another guy has a motorcycle advertised. It was posted 2 days ago, but when I call the number it is disconnected, and I get no responses to emails.

    Shit, people. I have a big fistful of cash to spend and I need a lot of stuff. Give me SOMETHING to work with.

    Seriously, WTF does this ad tell me?:

  • #2


    • #3
      [/quote] Seriously, WTF does this ad tell me?:[/quote]

      It doesn't tell you crap..But it does show a thing or two. And if he pays his phone bill like he builds trailers .. well... It would appear the rear axle wheel is smaller than the front and those appear to be axles from under a mobile home, which are usually a total pain and the pintal hitch is dead give away for monster amounts of tongue weight.... I am thinkin' the John Deere loader tractor in the background is the only thing that has been on it and then only short distance... If I were selling it I wouldn't want to answer to many questions either....It does feel better to vent now and then though so carry on...I feel better


      • #4
        Actually, my favorites are the idiots that think every car in the world is worth theexact same amount of money regardless of condition, year make or model for instance

        " i'm asking 2500 for my nissan, and want a trade for a muscle car in the 4000 range"

        OHHH!!!!....heres another good one. "Let me trade you my fucked up to all hell piece of shit that i have up on blocks that i also openly admitted to rats and squirrels eating the electrical system on, for a car i can get in and drive everyday" hmmm.....i bet there is a line 10 miles long to get to that beauty


        • #5
          Seriously, this is the best ad you can come up with?:

          Phone number? Anything?


          • #6
            Wow, I am ASTOUNDED at the number of new choices I have on Craigslist simply by searching on "trailor" and "traler", instead of "trailer"!


            • #7

