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I'm open to idea, besides murdering someone

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  • I'm open to idea, besides murdering someone

    Three years now, my butt has filled a chair, and I have had naught for a vacation. Awww poor baby? It gets jes a lil bit worse.

    I am here to babysit Tony's kid, 16 years old, smart enough to get a scholarship to Harvard, but the worst lying bitch I have ever met (quality and quantity), and fucking an 18-year-old.

    Well, I told Jenny and her boyfriend that I tapped their phone and sniffed every Internet packet going through this house. I do not have direct evidence of when I told them, but I do have this conversation, which occured after I returned Tony's car to him (I had begged it for Jenny so that she didn't have to walk to school in the winter, but her BF was forcing her to use it for his purposes, even washing his clothes in my machines).

    BF: That fucking bitch! I'll put on a black suit and get some bolt cutters, and I'll cut the chain off that fucking gate right now! Toby has bolt cutters!

    Jenny: Shhhh! I told you, Denise has the phone line and Internet tapped.

    BF: No, Jenny, listen to me. She's too stupid to do that. She's not listening to this.

    Jenny: No, don't do that.


    When Jenny got home, I confronted her with about 30 items which I had heard from her phone call. There was that fucking "I know I'm guilty, but what's going to happen? Probably nothing. look". I've been seeing that look on her face for ten years.

    Well, I missed the funeral races because she said that she was going to her grandmother's house for two days. She did, for four days, and the baby fucker went with her. Tony's mother let it happen, and there isn't much room that they did it out of spite, to keep me from going. Tony's mother rolled her own car over herself, and she's 86 and brain dead. She only has one extra bedroom, and if baby fucker slept on the couch, I guarantee that he didn't stay on it. She has slept at his house, supposedly in his sister's room, while the sister's boyfriend slept in his room. Am I supposed to believe this? Would a judge? His parents are stoned all of the time...they wouldn't know who was sleeping where.

    Speaking of drugs, Jenny told me that the baby fucker was juvenile convicted of selling drugs, but "he really didn't do it". Just to prove a point to her, I bought a bag of pot from him, and it was here in less than an hour. I flushed it down the toilet, but I should have given it to the police. I guess I was stupid enough to think that she would dump him after that.

    I told Jenny that I'm taking a day to think about it, then I'm calling the police. Baby fucking is a felony, and I told her that instead of having a girlfriend, he was going to be someone's, even if I get convicted of wiretapping. Maybe I could call in an anonymous tip that he was selling dope, but I guarantee that they are already watching, they've watched Jenny come and go, they've seen me put her car away, and when they toss his house and his supplier's house, they'll toss mine too. I don't have any dope, but I'll have to go to court to get my guns back.

    Hey, maybe I'm worried over nothing! That doesn't seem to happen to me much when the authorities are involved, though. It seems to me that I was locked up in a mental hospital for a week last year...over some sick transvestite's april fool's joke...and don't worry about your guns, because they left two of mine, loaded, with my 15-year-old daughter. All of her friends had fun playing with them. I'm not making this shit up, it really happened.

    So...I have spent three years in this house, babysitting, and Jenny has broken a rule I put on her, which was not to see that baby fucker, any way, any how. In fact, she has broken every rule I have put on her. Her father always told me that he had punished her, and I took his word for it. I guess I'm an idiot...but does he not give a shit about his own daughter?

    I've thought about calling the police non-emergency line and asking them what to do, but I'm so far gone that I'm not even sure that I can speak intelligently to them.

    Jenny is in her room packing up her shit. Maybe she is going to ruin her life and run away with the baby fucker. At this point, that would please me to no end. Earlier, I rolled a dolly in there and told her that she couldn't say that I never helped her. If she starts hauling it out, that's fine. I'll even let him the curb. If he comes on my property, I call 911. Just a few years ago, I would have run him off with a gun, but I know Arizona law better than that now. Ten years ago, I would have packed some shit in my car and left, but I've got nowhere to go now.

    I've known some of you almost as long as the ten years I've been married. What the hell is that worth? Well, you can think outside of the box, and I can't think at all anymore. So if you think of any ideas, I'm just about as open-minded as I get.

    -denise (Species Fucked)

  • #2
    So the wiretapping thing I understand, and I'm pretty sure that my parents wouldn't have been real thrilled to know all the shit that was going on at the time, but I usually had a pretty good plan for most things and I think they had faith that if I got in trouble I could get myself out of it pretty easy. That is the big issue with many - if you don't believe that the child is smart enough to get themselves out of trouble (you can't really look at it on 'well she's with this idiot' as a litmus paper test of her general life acumen, she's 16, she is convinced that he is the love of her life and because her wicked step-mom won't let them be together then it must be true love that isn't going to be stopped). I'm pretty sure you've gone out of your way to show that you do care and he's a scumbag. Then you've gone out of your way to show how you don't give a shit and he's a scumbag. Him being a scumbag doesn't see to phase her, and you probably understand that she believes she knows everything right now and you have no idea (my grandfather once told my cousin to move out when she was 16 because she knew everything and she should take advantage of that before the world showed her differently).

    Personally I like the option of throwing the 'while you are living under my roof' clause and let her ass leave, get knocked up, have a kid and be living the rest of her life with her brilliant decisions.

    She knows all, you're an old drugged out fool, let her prove herself right.

    When building software or websites, just when you think you have made something idiot proof, the world delivers you a better idiot. Same case here - she thinks she is all powerful, let the world show her otherwise.


    • #3
      Thanks, Chris. You gave me what it took to lay it all on the line. She knows now that it's nothing personal...she's in the position right now for the universities to fight over her, but maybe that's what I want for her, not what she wants. Maybe she has "fear of success" syndrome, which is just about hopeless to combat.

      She knows now that everything that she has done, and will do, will have consequences for her, not me, and she is totally flip about it. I left home at 15, I wanted better for her because I know how hard it is, but I did my best and I can't save her. Maybe she'll run off and fuck us for child support like the other kid did, or maybe she can't, if the state takes her.

