If you are uploading pics to the site for your album (post as many as you want) and you run into this error:
"Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing."
What causes this is a combination of server timeout and a temp file size limit that I enforce on the server. Usually if you are trying to upload a 1600x1200 picture which then is converted down to like 600x450 by the server. The easiest (and fastest) way to avoid this is to just resize the pics to a maximum dimension of 600x600 before you upload and you can upload like 15 at a time without hitting the limit.
I had forgotten about that when I was uploading pics from Monster Bash (check out my albums) and I kept hitting that message when I remembered the issue. It is much faster to resize locally than have the server do it after uploading a 2 meg file, even if you are on a fast connection.
"Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing."
What causes this is a combination of server timeout and a temp file size limit that I enforce on the server. Usually if you are trying to upload a 1600x1200 picture which then is converted down to like 600x450 by the server. The easiest (and fastest) way to avoid this is to just resize the pics to a maximum dimension of 600x600 before you upload and you can upload like 15 at a time without hitting the limit.
I had forgotten about that when I was uploading pics from Monster Bash (check out my albums) and I kept hitting that message when I remembered the issue. It is much faster to resize locally than have the server do it after uploading a 2 meg file, even if you are on a fast connection.