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So I found this old racist as hell poster...

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  • So I found this old racist as hell poster...

    in my parent's garage. It's a Bull Duram snuff poster. It's old. Like really old. And on it are these two cartoonish black people in slaves clothing , huge lips, the whole bit, and even the writting is fucked up it quotes " Yessum, sure be some smooth stuffs" or some shit like that. I grabbed it and ran upstairs, laughing my ass off the whole time....You need to understand my parents are liberal hippie ......yeah, lets just say i get my state of mind from my them having these things blew my fucking mind.

    I run upstairs, look at my mom and show her the poster and go " to explain this?"..........she starts laughing her ass off, and goes " hey, dont fuck that up it's worth alot of money"........

    Actually....gimmie 10 getting a picture of this's hillarious, and words cant describe it......

  • #2
    Fuck nevermind. The wife has the camera in her car, I went to snap some pics of a car for somebody yesterday and left it in there. I'll get a pic of it when she gets home tonight.


    • #3
      anything like this


      • #4
        YES! The first one! She says she has a few different ones down there, and some old cast iron coin banks depicting black people, one of which i remember because as a kid i got my fucking finger slammed in the moving part, it's a white guy with his foot on the black guy's chest, and he has a noose in his hands thats tied around one of the black guy's teeth. when you put a coin on the drop thing and push the lever down, the white guy flys backwards pulling the tooth out, and the black guy falls backwards in the chair and his head springs off, oh yeah, and it drops the coin into the bank on the bottom.


        • #5
          lol...this on the same day as our senate passes an apology for slavery and tom crow laws


          • #6
            I thought they were called "jim" crow laws......

            eh, tom,jim,joe. "toby",


            • #7
              lol....geez...i know a guy named tom crow... old timers disease?


              • #8
                Originally posted by randyaz View Post
                lol...this on the same day as our senate passes an apology for slavery and tom crow laws
                What ANOTHER one? How many times to we have to pay for the mistakes of our forefathers?

                By mistakes I mean like carting them over in the first place.

                Sure I'm all about equality, but their version of it isn't exactly equal.

                If all men are created equal how come we're not all treated equal?


                • #9
                  You can buy repros of the Jolly Nigger Coin Banks, Aunt Jemima dolls, Cream o' Wheat Rastus labels, etc. on Ebay. A search for "nigger" will bring up thousands of items. I have a picture of one with Rastus holding up the label (roughly paraphrased, I can't get up to go look at it) "Maybe Cream o' Wheat ain't got no vita mens, I doan know what dem thangs is. If they's bugs, they ain't none in Cream of Wheat. She rich and creamy and cost bout a penny fo' a great big steamin' dish." Maybe somebody here posted that one, or I went searching for Rastus. Many people get pissed off when I say it, but Rastus was, and still is, the name of the black guy on da Cream o' Wheat box. Facts is facts.

                  Anybody remember National Lampoon's joke about changing the picture on the Aunt Jemima box to make her look more like a homeowner than a slave? They had all kinds of ridiculous hairstyles, like dooky braids and corn rows, all without the classic bandana, and I laughed my ass over it...until it actually happened! They made the change, and went with the corn rows. Check it out the next time you look at a modern box of pancake mix.

                  I don't know if they changed Uncle Bob's rice or not, but at least they're keeping these icons, however much they've pussed out and changed them. If you really want to see a funny "tap dancin', black face" movie, check out "bamboozled". The ending gets kind of whiny, but most of the film is hilarious, and you could grab endless snapshots from it.

                  Maybe I'm a racist, maybe I'm not, but I'm too old to give a shit what people thinks o' me anyway. I loved the picture of the Rosa Parks funeral with the casket sticking out the front window of the hearse. Racist or not, it was just damned funny, I don't care who y'are.


