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Please donate a few bucks for the site

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  • Please donate a few bucks for the site

    It's that time of year where we have to renew the license for the message board, so if you'd like to kick in a few bucks (every $5 helps) so we can cover the cost of it I would be extremely grateful.

  • #2
    Non-profit organization my ass.......just kidding just kidding...sheesh.


    • #3
      Originally posted by StrayCat View Post
      Non-profit organization my ass......
      non-profit? What are these words you speak? =)

      This server costs me $257 a month - I damned sure ain't making any profit off ANYTHING on it.


      • #4
        Ouch. O.k. This is the point where I need to ask myself wether or not I truely want to say what I really want to say. I know you, and a couple others will agree with me on it, but the majority will get instant vaginitus and I will have ....again, pissed everyone off for telling it how it is. I think Imma keep my mouth shut this time. =)


        • #5
          This isn't the only site on this server - but none of them make any money, but it's not totally a loss - I host a shit load of tattoo sites and get ink out of them, and I host a few sites that help me with parts for some of my toys, and I host sites that I build. I'm just saying that since I do eat the cost of this server and do the maint on it, that it's probably not too much to ask for others to maybe kick in a few bucks.


          • #6
            No arguement there. I agree 100% on the financial aspect of it. Just meant that that wasn't the only thought that kicked on in my head on the subject at the time I was typing my dry sarcastic humor.


            • #7
              Where to

              I'll kick down a few, where to or how?


              • #8
                Donate button in the upper right corner please sir.


                • #9
                  Sir??? Damn, gettin' all formal like!! Thanks for pointing it out, missed it all together. take care of it now.


                  • #10

                    I'm nothing if not fucking polite.


                    • #11
                      OK, I sent a fart in a Ziplock bag. I hope it helps.


                      • #12
                        Thanks to everyone who donated!!!

                        I'm about to renew the lease here in just a second.

                        BTW - the ziplock bag was opened and smelled vaguely of pot and cabbage, not sure if that was the goal or not.

