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When you hate your neighbor...

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  • When you hate your neighbor...

    Running a cut off wheel at 8 in the morning is AWESOME!

    Just thought I'd share.

  • #2
    I might have to try that .... Is it better than an air chisel.....?


    • #3 I believe the air chisel would take the win on that one. Especially if you happen to be driving that bitch into an empty 50 galo steel drum.....*shivers*


      • #4
        God I love air chisels....When I worked in the shop.,.. Everyone would cring when I would get it out.... Snap-on..Long stroker.....It totally rocks......


        • #5
          A rivet gun on an empty fuselage wins, hands down. It puts an air chisel to shame, even if they are in the same family.

          I ran my gas-powered weedeater and did the back yard at midnight last night, then I yelled, "Fuck you with your loud steros!"

          There are two types of revenge in this world...those that require ammunition and those that don't.

          BTW, I found my air gun, and I know who shot out the window in my hearse. Revenge is best served up cold, and from around the corner, but it will happen in good time. I love an air gun that fires BBs...enough power to blow out a window, but no ballistics left behind. Bird shot is fun too, but my shoulders don't like 12-ga. shotguns anymore.


