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NHAA and Hearsespace

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  • NHAA and Hearsespace

    Still on the quest for bringing lone hearse owners into the fold through Myspace. If any of you haven't hit me up yet or have fellow hearse owners who haven't hit me up please do so.
    Hopefully the hearse owners I have found and talked with have made their way onto here and Hearsespace which is usually the first links I give them. Also with the completion of the basic hearse owner list with links to everyone on it including links to club webpages,NHAA, and Hearsespace I hope to unite most every hearse owner together.

  • #2
    Well, the original idea was to unite them all here, which is why you see so many listings for hearse clubs.



    • #3
      Well for those that want the ability to create a presence all their own on their own page Hearse Space provides that. We also have a calendar, blogs, videos, and images (that I know are here as well).

      I had been rather casual with any recruiting here, and will remain casual.

      I added an RSS feed as well as several links due to the value I place on the NHAA website/forums. Folks that are more comfortable with a myspace like feel will gravitate to Hearse Space, and those who are more in tune with forums will gravitate here. I myself like both, thus I made sure to have enough links for me to easily travel between the two. If anyone wants to come by and check it out feel free. We will continue to promote the NHAA forums/club, while we will continue to promote our website.

      I am totally open to conspiring for future joint projects, and right now I have NHAA decals being made that I will distribute or sell at cost to club members or Hearse owners interested in signing up. I will be DJing at Screamfest at the hearse/spooky car show out of a coffin behind my coach. I will be promoting Hearse Space there, and I know there will be multiple NHAA members there and will be happy to work with them to distribute decals as well as promoting both of the clubs.

      That is the basics of my opinion of the Hearse Space project. I hope that clears up any questions that may have been lurking around.


      • #4
        Okay let me try and simplify what I was saying just a little more. I find them or they find me and I send them to this site and Hearsespace to try and unite All the hearse owners together. More members can hopefully create bigger and better gatherings and my list helps simplify tracking down fellow hearse owners that might be living near you that you may want to contact for a gathering.


        • #5
          I think I discovered this site through Hearse Space. I check both sites daily.

