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Making a film....

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  • Making a film....

    Next summer I'm shooting a film that centers largely, in part, around a hearse. (Of course) In fact the working title for the film is "A Superior 68".

    I'm looking to raise fifteen to twenty grand for the project. The reason I can do this so cheaply is that I already have, or have access to, the equipment I'll need, from pre production on through to post.

    Also, I already have back up distribution. I call it back up distribution because if I can't get the film picked up by anyone else I have a singed letter of intent from Lloyd Kauffman at Troma Studios that they'll do it.

    This isn't a quick get rich scheme, anyone who thinks that film is a great investment is better off going on over to Vegas and investing their money at the slot machines as the odds of getting your money back are probably a far sight better.

    In fact I already turned one person away who wanted to invest 8 grand, they were excited, I was excited, and then I found out that it was his life savings that he'd been putting away for the last five years to buy a house. (He still won't talk to me.)

    This is for the person who can afford it. For a person who wants to play a large part in the making of a film, and of making some art. Or for a person who wants’ to be the Executive Producer of an indie film and then can brag about it at parties or to their co-workers and friends. Or quite possibly just to use it as a pick up line to get laid.

    This is a legit production being produced through Ravenous Studios. All agreements will be contractual, on paper and signed. (just in case the film actualy does make any money)

    If you're interested, or know of anyone who may be interested, respond here or PM me.

    Here’s my imdb listing so you’ll know I’m not completely full of bs..

    Last edited by musikill; 08-29-2009, 09:01 PM.

  • #2
    Dude, its the flavor pods guy!

    I acted in and was the ad on Super Tromette Action Movie Go, couldnt make it up for the Poultrygeist shoot though...anyhoo unfortunately I don't know anyone up your way in general much less one with a '68 Superior. But good luck with the flick!

    and so you know I'M not completely full of b.s.


    • #3
      Fucking sick! I just happen to be the proud owner of a copy of that wonderfull film STAMGo!

      The only thing that topped you, the one moment more moving than your whole performance, was Steve in a pink cowboy hat...

      and nothing else.

      Also...yous got mad improve skilllz yo.


      • #4
        You are too kind sir. Though I WILL take credit for picking that hat out at Party City har har...Babbette Bombshell was the REAL star of that flick. 5 roles and all different.

        But thanks so much for the compliments, and hopefully we can work together sometime!

