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Kanye West at the VMAs

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  • Kanye West at the VMAs

    Did anybody see the recap of the Video Music Awards last night. Taylor Swift (who we affectionately refer to as 'the predator' because her eyes are so close, she looks like a very cute predatory animal) won some award, and that no-talent dickhead Kanye West jumps on stage, grabs the mic and rambles something about how Beyonce's video was the best video of the year (who Taylor had just beaten). What a whiny cocksucker that guy is.

    In a very cool and classy move though, later on that night when Beyonce won some award, she called Swift up to get to redo her speech that was interrupted.

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    I normally wouldn't even mention it, but that shit really irked me. What kind of fucking dude jumps on stage and steals the thunder from probably the greatest moment in that girls life? And of course, embarrassing the shit out of Beyonce wasn't probably a good move either (ala, the darling of the media). Im sure he wouldn't do that shit to Eminem or someone who could defend themselves - seriously dude? Picking on a 130 lb 19 year old white girl?

    Someone should have shot that dude.

  • #2
    Kanye is a whiny douchbag with a big chip on his shoulder and about as big a racist as they come. Fk him with a aids infested monkey cock.


    • #3
      I'll be lookin' forward to the South Park response to this......


      • #4
        I bet he really likes fish dicks


        • #5
          I saw this on Facebook earlier. Now I get it.

          Not that I didn't already think this.

          EDIT: also this
          Last edited by Scary Guy; 09-16-2009, 12:28 AM.

