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Where dey get dem guns?

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  • Where dey get dem guns?

    I'm watching a movie called Jackie Brown, in which Samuel Jackson plays an arms dealer. He moves bulk shipments down to Cabo in a ship, the ship owner distributes them and gets the money, and a flight attendant brings the money back up, $50,000 at a time. Small, local sales, he just makes himself.

    I have all of this scheme figured out except, where is he getting all the weapons that he sells? The movie completely leaves that part of the plot out, and I can't figure out how you would get half a million dollars' worth of weapons shipped into the US, and from where? Where does he find an arms dealer that he can trust to send the wholesale money to?

    Or should I just write this off as another weak "Hollyweed" plot?


  • #2
    Probably write it off. However if I was going to do it, I would have the arms shipped to some shit hole port in Mexico where I had bought off the local government and drug lords then use that as my distribution area.
    The guns most likely came from Asia, the mid East or some former Soviet territory.


    • #3
      "The guns most likely came from Asia, the mid East or some former Soviet territory." How can that be? According to all the mainstream news outlets, and Hillary Clinton, all these guns are supposed to be comming from licensed US gun dealers!


      • #4
        According to my news source, that's more of their word-twisting bullshit. They say that 90% of all illegal guns confiscated all over the world and traced to the source by serial number came from US gun manufacturors.

        There's only one little problem with that...the US is the only country that puts serial numbers on guns, so the key is "traced to the source by serial numbers".

        You really have to read between the lines, or you'll find yourself engulfed in a cloud of bullshit.

        BTW, ammoman is already selling ammunition stamped with serial numbers.



        • #5
          You mean Hillary is capable of (Bom-bom-bom) LYING? Who would have thought?

