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  • Cocks

    Don't worry, nobody is going to think that you're a fag for reading this.

    What I actually want to know is, we have Cox digital cable here, and I'm wondering if the cable boxes have to have the right serial numbers on them, or can we just buy some from Ebay and plug them in? Jenny doesn't have a cable box, and the installer said that we could just go buy one. I would like to buy three. I think that we have paid enough in equipment rental to pay for the boxes twice over.

    Or...and I'm asking this instead of calling because trying to call Cox is a pain in the ass...will Cox sell me the equipment that I have? I'm tired of making rental payments on it; in fact, I might ditch everything but the Internet, if I can. Their programming used to be halfway decent, but these days, it's totally ass.

    ...and for all of you guys who really are fags, I'm sorry I insulted you. I'm homophilic.


  • #2
    I know nothing about cable boxes, and I am not a fag.


    • #3
      I know nothing about cable boxes, and I am not a fag.
      It looks like I struck a nerve.

      I really don't have anything against you people, though.

      ...a lot of people don't know anything about cable boxes.


      • #4
        It looks like I struck a nerve.
        No, was just saying I can't help. If it sounded "asshole" like, well I am kind of obligated to fill that roll.


        • #5
          Way too many cocks and assholes in here.


          • #6
            because trying to call Cox is a pain in the ass...I would think that would be the whole point of the fellow depicted above making the call.


            • #7
              You don't have to have a dick up your ass. Cox will put it there for you.

