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Big Evils "Let it Rot?" Poll

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  • Big Evils "Let it Rot?" Poll

    Is it ok for a person or company to hoard cars with the only intention of letting them sit and rot?

  • #2
    This is in response to this post:


    • #3
      Thanks Psychoholic


      • #4
        F-ING rediculous. I hope there is more to offer from this forum than an opinion poll..... No wonder why America is headed down a path where every aspect of your life is dictated to you by someone who doesn't know a god damned thing.


        • #5
          Focus E6V6I6L Focus!

          We are talking about car hoarding, not the demise of America.

          Since you feel that all hearses should only be factory original I took the liberty of finding a forum you may be more comfortable with.


          • #6
            This forum has tons to offer - self righteousness is in fact one of them, so you should fit right in.

            Everyone has their opinion, and the end of the world this one is not. Go ahead and get huffy, it won't help.

            The poll asks what peoples opinion is - not dictating to others what they should do, only what they care to see.


            • #7
              BigEvil - don't post anymore - your count is at 666, you should register a new user so that one can stay pristine. =)


              • #8
                Ha! Doesn't Route 666 go through AZ as well - or is it NM? Got a pic from '96 around here somewhere...

                Has been quiet around here of late. 'Twas time for a new poll.


                • #9
                  I took the poll sitting in my 77TA that is in the side yard. Runs & drives, but it belongs to my son. When he is old enough to drive, it is his.

                  I would love to collect old Cadillacs, for parts and future projects. I just need about 5 acres of land


                  • #10
                    By the verbage of the question, I voted "NO".

                    However, I own 3 hearses at the moment. My 1961 M+M is my baby. You can have that hearse when you yadda yadda yadda... My 1981 S&S is only here because my daughter wants it. She's 11. It will sit until I replace the transmission, then will sit some more until she can drive it. My 1961 Superior was supposed to be a parts car for my M+M, but it is just this side of too "good to dismantle or trash". So it sits. By many people's definitions I would be a hoarder as I cannot, at this time, afford to fix the two dead ones. They are currently "rotting" in my concete driveway (which is paved with good intentions) and will for some time until I can afford to do something with them. If somebody wanted to give me another hearse, I would take it. What it was would dictate what I did with it. If it was a 61-62, it would go on the pile. Anything else would probably be sold or traded for a 61. And yes, that includes a 1959 of any coachbuilder.

                    So if the question stated "Is it ok for a person or company to hoard cars with the intention of fixing them up but end up letting them sit and rot because they have too many or circumstances change?" my answer would be, without reservation, a resounding "YES".

                    Edit: Okay, I really would keep a 1959 Eureka or M+M Landau...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Boogeyman Con Carne View Post
                      By the verbage of the question, I voted "NO".


                      So if the question stated "Is it ok for a person or company to hoard cars with the intention of fixing them up but end up letting them sit and rot because they have too many or circumstances change?" my answer would be, without reservation, a resounding "YES".
                      Those were my thoughts exactly.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Boogeyman Con Carne View Post

                        So if the question stated "Is it ok for a person or company to hoard cars with the intention of fixing them up but end up letting them sit and rot because they have too many or circumstances change?" my answer would be, without reservation, a resounding "YES".
                        yeah, i think it's fine to want to fix up something.

                        However, if they end up sitting for years and years, and you never get the money, or circumstances are never *right,* then you need to be honest with yourself. At that point you should probably let it find a better home, specially if it's one of the classics.

                        if you're just going to let them sit until circumstances are right, i hope you are at least taking minimal steps to keep them from deteriorating.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
                          This forum has tons to offer - self righteousness is in fact one of them, so you should fit right in.

                          Everyone has their opinion, and the end of the world this one is not. Go ahead and get huffy, it won't help.

                          The poll asks what peoples opinion is - not dictating to others what they should do, only what they care to see.
                          Whew, so I'm not the only one who got the impression someone was trying to show us all just how much BETTER they were than everybody else...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ryan_ricks View Post
                            However, if they end up sitting for years and years, and you never get the money, or circumstances are never *right,* then you need to be honest with yourself. At that point you should probably let it find a better home, specially if it's one of the classics.
                            I can appreciate that opinion, but who gets to decide when "never" is? I may have to wait 20 or more years before I have the money. Is that, in your opinion, too long? Not to me. "Never" can only be determined by the person in posession, not a third party. At the point that I give up hope, then I "should probably let it find a better home."

                            Originally posted by ryan_ricks View Post
                            if you're just going to let them sit until circumstances are right, i hope you are at least taking minimal steps to keep them from deteriorating.
                            Minimal, in my opinion, would be parking it on a concrete driveway in Texas. Not in a field or my back yard on the grass. I've got these cars handled until the time comes to put them in action again...


                            • #15
                              If you own it, it's yours.

                              Individual reasons for hoarding are irrelevant. If you own it, it's yours to do with as you please. Yes, emotionally, cars especially, should be released, sold, shared, etc...seriously, who likes to see them in the throws of tetanus death? However, I'm not about to put up with anyone telling me what to do with my property. It's mine and you can get bent if you think you have some say over it. Doing what you want with what you have is American and proof of our freedom.

                              Some here say don't tread on me, in response to the latest presidential administration - I say don't tread on me by telling me my cars have to serve some emotional purpose for you.

