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Who, me? My best friend is Black.

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  • Who, me? My best friend is Black.

    ...yeah, and I voted for Obama, because what I want is some change! Look in your couch cushions, because that's the most you're going to be able to hope for.

    There is a direct correlation between the development of capitalism and the underdevelopment of Black America. The exploitation of blacks if the motor for the United States rapid accumulation of capital. The high rate of exploitation, combined with the expropriation of surplus value from black labor is not only the cause of America's vast amount of wealth, but also the reason why that wealth is disproportionately allocated. Therefore, it is in the best interest of the capitalist class to continue to accumulate profit through division of labor according to race. The legal route for reparations and the development of Black America is a dead end. The only solution is a socialist revolution.

    In that sense, reparations for Africans and indigenous people must be included on the socialist agenda. The only way compensation and development will be achieved is through the destruction of the vary economic system and state apparatus that is the cause of the underdevelopment of Black America. One of the first tasks of a socialist society would not only to meet the basic needs of the people, but to develop historically oppressed communities. The socialist society will give preference to developing these areas not to recreate inequality, but to raise the standards of life for everyone in society. This task cannot be completed in a capitalist society, but only a post-revolutionary socialist one.
    Geez, and I thought that Africans lived in Africa? I guess I missed out on something in grammar school.


  • #2
    Toc toc! T'es là ? This is Obama's agenda. Having a little voter remourse yet?



    • #3
      go to school, pronounce your words correctly, and work for what you have. The government isnt going to give you everything.


      • #4
        Bone up on your history, back to the Treaty of Versailles, when Woodrow Wilson started the trouble in Iraq that we still have today. Don't forget to stop by the 14 points of the Socialist Agenda of 1929. We don't have a Capitalist teet to suck on. Our trading partner to the north is socialist, which is why you can't get any health care there. If you tune your tv to AMC channel right now, and you're sharp enough to read between the lines, which your reply does not indicate, you can watch the Obama demagogue sell us into hell. I can't stomach it anymore. You're only right about one thing. They're not going to give you anything, because they don't have anything to give.

        I suggest that you learn what a quote box is, what copy and paste are, and learn a few other languages before you talk about my pronunciation. As for the assets produced by my services, we use ATBS for accounting, except for the aviation and international freight forwarding side of the corporation, which I do the accounting for, and you wouldn't understand the first page of my tax return, which is about 2" thick.

        Go push a broom.



        • #5
          Since we are the ony ones commenting on this subject, I will assume you are refering to me in your personal attack. Lighten up, as I was refering to the spooks with my comments. I fully understand how to cut and paste, lick and fold, what ever else you want to insult me with.



          • #6
            Relaxing is a little difficult for me these days. Usually my attitude ranges from the edges of coy to full-blown sarcasm, but I've been exceeding my speeds lately, and it's easy to strike a nerve. I did mean it personally, and I apologize for that. Personal attacks tend to run people away from the forums, so they should be avoided.



            • #7
              Wonderful, glad that is behind us. I probably could have worded that different. I have been without beer for 2 weeks, trying to kick this cold. I was an iritable ass. First beer in 2 weeks tonight.
              Last edited by pyro; 11-17-2009, 10:07 PM.


              • #8
                I'm kicking four years of morphine. It does getcha a little uppity now and den.

