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Just saw this...

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  • Just saw this...

    Saw this at the bottom of the screen...
    StrayCat (30)
    Someone is joining us old folks now.

  • #2
    yeah it's fucked up. cause i fell asleep last night and woke up 30. i intended on not allowing this to happen. i was going to load up some "tools" and start an "incident" with alot of people who have similar "tools" and go out like a solider. but oh well i over slept. : /


    • #3
      If it's glory you want, I have some extra weapons, and I'll happy to show you some targets "whut needs pickin".



      • #4


        • #5


          • #6
            (happy late b-day hoss!)


            • #7
              i appreciate it guys. my dad came over last night, started giving me a little crap about being 30, i looked at him and said " well, you're my dad, time for gereatrics?".......he goes "no, after the heart attack i quit giving a shit". lmao.


              • #8
                My palm has been flashing red for years. People don't notice it...they just wonder why I always have my hand in my pocket.



                • #9
                  yeah i joined the post-20's club earlier this year


                  • #10
                    Bunch of young punks. Wait till ya get to the post 30's club.


                    • #11
                      Bunch of young punks. Wait till ya get to the post 30's club.
                      30's Club? Why don't I remember this club.. ? oh yea... Whites, Weed, and Wine.


                      • #12
                        I'm pushing 50, and I have to stop and do the math to figure out how old I am sometimes.

                        I'm beginning to wonder where my retirement is coming from...reversed mortgage? We may have to pay for a piece of land, and greet at Wal-mart to pay the property tax.

                        Tony asked me why I wasn't paying into social security, and I said, "Because we don't have any employees." We get "owner equity draws", not paychecks. If we have to hire someone, he'll work for himself. We'll send him a 1099 at the end of the year, and he can take care of his own taxes. Why pay three times his paycheck into the sucking sewer of the government Ponzi scheme?

                        As for Obamacare, his plan goes something like this:

                        When a man is young, he doesn't need health care, so he can pay into the system. When a man is old, he is going to die anyway, so he doesn't need health care. What?!? Is there a little window in your middle age when you can actually receive it, or does it all go into the septic tank?

                        What is truly sad about getting old is that you lose your innocence, start looking around at the world and figuring things out. When you're young, you appreciate the $1,000 "gift" that the IRS gave you. The next year, you're a little older when they want it back. C'est triste.



                        • #13
                          I will be 43 in March, and I am in my 5th week of being unemployed. I am having no luck on the job search so far as NO ONE is hiring in the field I was in and so far no automotive shops are hiring either.
                          On top of all this I am having to fight my former employer for unemployment benefits.

                          Life is just grand the older you get.

                          I will probably have to take a job somewhere for half what I was being paid just to keep the bills paid.


                          • #14
                            Might I suggest...truck driving school?

                            As soon as I get my tooth fixed (another gift from the hospital security guards, broken tooth), and some new glasses, I'm headed that way. Rapid detox wasn't fun, but it's all finished, aside from some tingly feet, and I can do anything I want to now.

                            If you work your ass off and drive as many miles as they will give you, you can lease/purchase your truck, drive with a partner, and make a buttload of money. One truck payment, one insurance payment, etc., but two drivers. If you don't have another driver, marry an ugly woman. You won't time to fuck her anyway, but after you make $50k or so, you can stop and put a paper bag over her head.

                            My eloquence escapes me today...maybe it's this broken tooth thing...


