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Doing anything Christmassy for the coach?

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  • Doing anything Christmassy for the coach?

    I'm redoing the electrical system on mine (surprise, surprise, pics to follow), and I thought I would put up some Christmas lights around the windows. Is anyone else decorating? I'm looking for cool ideas, and I have plenty of AC power and reserves. I would park it in front of the house and let the lights run all night, but people keep shooting at it. I may have to settle for doing my shopping and leaving it in the parking lot with the lights on, and something like Jesus from the Rear on the stereo.

    Why do I always hang out with misfits and weirdos?


  • #2
    I used to mount a skull in the rear window wearing a santa hat.


    • #3
      im putting a wreath on morticias grille


      • #4
        Attached Files


        • #5
          i have a semi-fucked up deer head in the basement i use to shove the antlers in the grill and put a red clownnose on him and spatter blood all over the bumper/headlights/hood. I would get out in crowded areas and say " oh shit! I killed rudolph!"

          but as of the last few years, gruesome/macabre/evil/whatever....bores me to death. lately the only things like that that are amusing are actually watching people in real life get hit by cars and what not. guess i'm just getting old.


          • #6
            how about a dead santa for the back? Thats too bad assholes shoot at your Hearse. I leave mine parked out front.


            • #7
              I put a Santa hat on Marie and Grim. Nobody sees them, but the people I send a Christmas card to.


              • #8
                Thats too bad assholes shoot at your Hearse. I leave mine parked out front.
                Mexicans are very superstitious, so maybe they think that the hearse is going to take their souls away. The first time it was shot, they broke the rear window. I replaced it with 3/8" Lexan, and it was shot at again. The bullet bounced off of the Lexan, nicked the corner of the trim, picked up some white paint, then turned right toward the Chrysler and left spiral marks with white paint, going up the rear window. Talk about your "magic bullets". Now I park it inside the gates, in the back yard, with a cover over it. That makes it hard to use as a daily driver, but I have a nice Chrysler Brougham for that. I reeeely want to move out of this state, and onto some acreage where I can fire my weapons, land my airplane on a dirt road, and park as many cars as I want to. We'll need a big barn or hangar to keep the plane and the best cars in, but one of the rural properties that we're looking at already has a big steel building on it. There is even a cemetery across the road. That would be ideal.

                I guess I'll stop by Wal-mart and buy some Christmas crap to hang on the coach.



                • #9
                  I got the icycle lights run down both sides. Even though you can see them through the rear window, they're not actually installed in the rear window, so technically they should be legal, even though they're bright enough to create a major distraction. I've been asked about them many times. So far, the stupidest question, "What is that", was asked at the MacDonald's drive-thru. What is what? The lights? The casket table? Do I have a booger hanging from my nose?

                  The great thing about it is that people can easily look in and see the casket table and rollers. They're always curious about what is inside a hearse. I got a wreath for the grille, a light-up Santa for one of the windows, and some tinsel that I am going to run around the window sills, with colored flashing lights wrapped around it. Maybe some kiddie stockings on the bumper guards would be appropriate, and some snow spray around the edges of the windows.

                  If the neighbors don't like my hearse now, they're really going to hate it by Christmas day.


