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My hearse is still fucking with me

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  • My hearse is still fucking with me

    I got in to take it to the grocery store, and just as I was getting ready to put the key on, the radio came on long enough to say, "HELLO" on the screen, then shut off again. Umm...hello...

    Remind me never to drop acid or get really stoned before I drive this thing.


  • #2
    man that sucks mine did that yesterday went to do some work and it comes on welcome on radio and wouldnt start i was like S'O'B


    • #3
      Better than my stock one. Friend was in the car, he did nothing, and the damn thing just cut out completely. Fuse was good, everything else was good, radio just died. Oh well I wanted to upgrade it anyhow


      • #4
        This radio has a BADASS screen saver of a live moving huge bonfire. At night it looks like your dash is on fire.


        • #5
          I wouldn't buy one that doesn't have an SD card slot. The CD loader seems to be the achilles hell of the modern car stereo.



          • #6
            Originally posted by Morella View Post
            I wouldn't buy one that doesn't have an SD card slot. The CD loader seems to be the achilles hell of the modern car stereo.

            Only because of the fact it's outdated as hell. We're almost to the 30th anniversary of the CD (even though it didn't actually get wide spread consumer use until the early 90's). I don't get why we're not all using DVD-A formatted disks yet in our stereos. They have those decks that do video too with the pop out screens, because you need more things to distract you while driving. I really want blu-ray audio disks simply because the sound is probably as close to true analog sounding as you're going to get.

            CDs are certainly more widespread these days, but you've probably heard at least one audiophile insist that records have a better sound quality when it comes to their favorite music. How can this be?

            Even better than blu-ray would be this with 1 or 10 terabytes per disk... PER FUCKING DISK! This technology isn't new, it's actually quite a few years old. WHY THE HELL AREN'T WE USING THIS NOW!

