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Would you pick up your mother in a hearse?

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  • Would you pick up your mother in a hearse?

    Just wondering, as I am scrambling to clean the kitchen, get the auto parts out of the house, file all of my stacks of paperwork, shovel the junkmail out the door, vacuum the carpet, and maybe even take a shower.

    When my mother gets to the airport, should I go pick her up in the hearse? She is, of course, still alive.


  • #2
    Use your best judgement... really I don't care if my hearse bothers anybody or not, but she's your mom and if the hearse creeps her out then don't force her to ride in it from the airport out of respect. Just go with what you know about her feelings towards your coach...


    • #3
      Mine would walk home.


      • #4
        My mom likes my hearse, she would ride in it.


        • #5
          My mom loves my car.


          • #6
            I guess the only way to find out is just to do it. She has seen it before, and she didn't puke. Anyway, at least her first ride won't be her last.

            As for making her walk home, well...we buried that hatchet after I lived on my own for a few years. I had to grow up enough to appreciate her. She may not be the Mom I would prefer to be with, but she is the one I have, and I ain't never gonna get home.



            • #7
              My mom would ride in mine but a lot of people won't.


              • #8
                my mom drove mine a few times


                • #9
                  My Mom likes the car, from the outside. She even got Me a very long handled mop thing so I wouldnt have to get in the back Myself too clean it, lol. No, I wouldnt make Her walk, I just think thats what She would say. Guess Im going to have to ask, and put this mystery to rest.


                  • #10
                    My mom went on the maiden voyage. She'd get a kick out of me coming to the airport to pick her up in it.


                    • #11
                      Mothers who love their kids will get in whatever they show up in...Does Your Mother Love YOU??????? Dads will too..


                      • #12
                        My MIL has requested to be picked up at the airport in my coach a few times now.


                        • #13
                          My mom can't wait for the day my paperwork is straight so she can drive my hearse to work!!!!


                          • #14
                            My mom has never rode in my hearse, but said she would. He is a picture of my grandma sitting in Abbie.


                            • #15
                              Man, You got that thing looking good.

