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Anybody know wireless routers?

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  • Anybody know wireless routers?

    I have three wireless routers in my house :

    fuckUnet (.1.1) goes out to the Internet, and is not linked to the other two.

    hollywood (.3.1) is an internal network. It is downlinked to the router for WhiteSlavery (.3.30 -> .4.1), another network in the back of the house. It works great. I can hook up to WhiteSlavery and ping the machines on the .3 subnet.

    What puzzles me is, when I take a look at the routers available for connection, I get :

    fuckUnet (secured)
    hollywood (secured)
    WhiteSlavery (secured)
    Hollywood (secured)
    linksys (unsecured)

    ...and some others from across the street, that I recognize.

    Is Windows just caching these names, which may have appeared while I was configuring the third router, and if so, how do I get them out of my life?


    BTW, I was gonna call it "kiddieporn", but I didn't want the FBI coming down here again. "WhiteSlavery" is just enough to piss off the neighbors, but probably not enough to get me into trouble.

  • #2
    bring up your network list and delete them.


    • #3
      They weren't in the list, but they eventually just sorta disappeared by themselves, which is fine with me. I renamed hollywood to MethLab, and I think I'm going to rename fuckUnet to BlowMeJesus.

      I have every bit as much respect for my neighbors as they have for me.

