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Yay! Free health care! free money!

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  • Yay! Free health care! free money!

    Is anyone else reading the "health care" bill? I got through the first 400 pages, and it made me sick...literally. I had to go and puke. If you haven't read this bill, or if you are too stupid to read it, you have no business voting. No one ever believes anything that I say, so I won't even bother trying to explain, but things are going to get very, very ugly in this country. Anybody but Bush? You got it.

    BTW, Barack Hussein Obama is not Obama's real name, any more than Lou Alcinder's real name is Karim Abdul Jabar, or Cassius Clay's real name is Muhammed Ali. They change their names when they convert to Islam. Yup. We're at war with the Middle East, and we have a Muslim president who is not a US citizen. That's why he wants nothing to do with Israel. Say what you want about "those money-grubbing Jews", but Israel is our only hope for evacuating troops, or launching materiel, and with them alienated by Obama, things are going to be even uglier overseas.

    Welcome to the United Communist States of Fuck. With that said, you can commence accusing me of being ignorant and paranoid, and exaggerating.


  • #2
    The government just bent us over and rammed it in with this one.
    I have not read it yet, but if only 1/4 of the things I have heard are true we are fucked.


    • #3
      Originally posted by LMS View Post
      The government just bent us over and rammed it in with this one.
      I have not read it yet, but if only 1/4 of the things I have heard are true we are fucked.
      we are and with no lube .... just sand


      • #4
        is now a good time to start stocking up on ammunition?


        • #5
          is now a good time to start stocking up on ammunition?
          I have been stocking up for years, you are a bit late. But hey, better late than never.


          • #6

            done stocked up for the long haul...bought property in bumfuck and built a shelter....stashed all kinds of ''things''....this healthcare bill it is just the will be immigration then the 2nd amendment and the list is endless...

            but definately we got reamed.....


            • #7
              Remember Medicare? The previous attempt by our wise all blowing-excuse me all knowing Federal Goverment to bring Health Care to those who couldn't get insurance. My wife and I are among the uninsured, because we've been out of work for awhile, and so had no insurance. My wife had a stroke, and we were urged to get her to a hospital. A three day Hospital stay cost us $33,000, and even with no income, Medical refused to cover the costs. I expect despite all the garbage comming from Jar-Jar Barock about the need to cover the uninsured, being legal citizens, we would still be uneligable. But for you suckers who have health insurance, expect to lose it. Of course, Obamanation-care won't cover illegals, because once Jar-Jar barock gets his amnesty through, becomming a citizen will be as easy as sneaking across the border.


              • #8
                Thats the way it will become.....Sanjay and his cousins get free money to open a quick shop or 7-11. Pedro swims the river and sets up shop working for a construction company for $7.00 an hour, while a 20 year carpenter is just now running out of unemployment, cause his company laid him off cause they can hire 3-4 Pedros for the price of one carpenter that can read a tape measure. And the welfare moms....well they just keep pushin out more kids collecting the checks and getting the nails done while Orangello walks the streets in dirty diapers.

                The shit sandwich we all have to eat from Washington is big. The country is in a real state of emergency. They just will not quit spending and printing money that we have nothing to back it up with. So that places all that work and make a decent wage in the position to pay for all this shit. But the jobs are stagnant and growth is almost non existant. I believe if you pay into the system for 20-30 years with taxes and SS and all that jazz...a person is then entitled to draw the benefits...but to just give it all away to Nancy Pelosi and her band of idiots .... is nuts.

                The mandatory healthcare that will be placed on small business will run most out of business and create more homeless and uninsured. They just wont be able to afford it.....Its gonna come to a head and shit will hit the fan we aint seen the worst of it yet...

