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Where the hell is everyone?

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  • #16
    What's the difference between a homo and a refridgerator?

    A refridgerator doesn't fart when you pull your meat out.
    OK, but... How do you get four homos on a stool?

    ...Turn it upside down


    • #17
      Carne you brought it up...
      Atti I feel so special someone acknowledged I was absent for so long. Thanks you.


      • #18
        Originally posted by msc0nduct View Post

        and Musikill... I have to ask, how the hell do you know then?
        Well, see there was this joke I..uh.. heard. No wait, uh I grew up in theatre, no no....I.....GOD DAMN IT STOP PRESSURING ME!!!!!!


        • #19
          Ok I am bored again waiting to go to a car show. Someone needs to entertain me.. DAMN IT.


          • #20
            Originally posted by [URL="msc0nduct
            Ok I am bored again waiting to go to a car show. Someone needs to entertain me.. DAMN IT.
            Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
            This is why we need a chatroom


            • #21
              Who do I talk about getting a chatroom around here?


              • #22

                You could do what I used to do frequently, just type long, pointless stream-of-consciousness messages about life, the universe, and the price of a gourd in Venezuela, but then you would risk the wrath of Stodd, who has a problem with such things...among other things. Having become one with boredom through years of disability, repetition, redundancy, and ennui, I can empathize with your plight, so I will digress to bavasse, until someone gets pissed off and tells me to shut up, then we can start a flamefight and no one will be bored anymore.

                I have travelled some 3000 miles since friday night, from Tucson into the bowels of New Jersey (what a fucking sewer!) and back to Ohio, only to spend the whole day in London waiting for some wheelbarrow mechanic to replace 8 tires. That's about one tire per hour, I think, and a long time to spend sitting on a plastic chair in a TA truck stop watching reruns on television in the driver's lounge. That hurt worse than swiping my credit card for $2900 to buy the tires. The trucking business has not exactly been the cure for boredom. At least there is Internet access now, in the terminal. We (my better half) and I are waiting for a pizza to arrive, then we hook an empty trailer, swap it for a loaded one in some nearby hick town, and we're on our way down to Texas. Yee haw. Why in the hell am I doing this? Well, because we can make $3000 a week or more when we're rolling all of the time, and I like money.

                Yes, I like money. That's why we started a small business. We have a rental aircraft, a semi, and us two drivers, and we're thinking about publishing karaoke CDs. Because we like money. We like trucks, and airplanes, and we seriously like to sing karaoke, but what we really like is money.

                Have you heard the latest Marxist drivel from Obama? Sorry, Obama, we're not working 140 hours a week because we want our neighbor's life to be better. That's his responsibility. It's not to help our employees get their share of the American fact, the government has made it such a pain in the ass to hire somebody that we're just not going to do it. Fuck 'em...take a 1099. It's not all about paying for someone else's health care. No, that's really not our problem either. If you believe that we all have the right to free health care, well, I believe that we all have the right to a clean car, so get your ass busy and wash mine. No, we do what we do because we like money, and if you do what you do because you like money, and I like what you do, I'll be happy to pay you to do it. Otherwise, I'm gonna spend it on gold, silver, and lead.

       I getting carried away? Rambling again? Well, at least you have something to read now.



                • #23
                  Who do I talk about getting a chatroom around here?
                  Send a PM to Psychoholic. He was just looking for ideas for this place. Chris is a cool guy. He smells a bit, but I love him.

                  I'm just kidding! I don't really love him all that much.



                  • #24
                    Jesus, who put a nickel in you... or gave you a nickel. Either way thanks for giving me something to read. I can always depend on you.


                    • #25
                      I am still here...


                      • #26
                        Not me, I'm in LaGrande, OR...or however y'spell it, going to Howeveryaspellit, Washington. And there goes the phone with a preplan, load going back to Texas again. I really wish I had time to take a shower and change clothes, but making $1300/day is pretty cool too, even if we do spend $400 of it on diesel fuel (you thought you had trouble keeping gas in your coach?).

                        Hey, whomever has the 75-76 black hearse in Ft. Collins, the guy with the little scraggly beard, I waved at you yesterday. Nice looking coach.



                        • #27


                          • #28
                            So, what are you DOING here? I could entertain you with random crap, but then I would also be enabling you to stay transfixed to this black hole of information...


                            • #29
                              I am doing nothing... Searching youtube, checking facebook, random stuff like that. I much rather read stuff hear because it usually cracks me up.


                              • #30
                                Et moi aussi, la même raison. With the exception of one closet queer who hangs out here, everyone has a great sense of humor.

