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Where the hell is everyone?

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  • #61
    MMMMM I love smoked goat!


    • #62
      Here's a bit of trivia for you. The original BBQ was goat. The word comes from the French "De barbe à cul", which, literally translated means, "from beard to asshole". It refers to cooking a whole goat in a pit, the way that some people still cook pig in the US.

      Still hungry?



      • #63
        More fun with words. Do you know anyone who sleeps on a futon? It's like a folded mattress on a couch frame, folds out into a bed very quickly, but isn't really comfortable enough to sleep on. The real purpose of a futon might be realized by looking at the French word "foutons!" (the S is silent), which, literally, means :

        "Let's fuck!"



        • #64
          Anyway, what did everyone do for the holiday weekend? Any good stories we should hear about?


          • #65
            I got drunk over the weekend, and went to Arlington Cem. of that to come.

            Also I haven't been online lately....


            • #66
              Originally posted by Tweek's Turbos View Post
              I got drunk over the weekend, and went to Arlington Cem. of that to come.

              Also I haven't been online lately....
              Geeez! What could be more important than being online harassing me?


              • #67
                Originally posted by msc0nduct View Post
                Please and "here" or a simple smart ass comment or joke will do. I am truely bored out of my gourd and I look to my hearse friend to make me laugh or give me something to read and there is NOTHING!!!! AGH!
                you/i should really start an aircooled vw thread. there are alot more vw nuts here than you would think. i'd do it but i'm at work and don't have access to my pics.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by staynedglass View Post
                  you/i should really start an aircooled vw thread. there are alot more vw nuts here than you would think. i'd do it but i'm at work and don't have access to my pics.
                  Where do I start it at?


                  • #69
                    I'm riding the luck rollercoaster. We went to Las Vegas, I won $710 on a video poker machine, and we blew $300 of it on a decent meal and a bottle of Bordeaux. Then my back collapsed, damage from that collision with the U-Haul truck, and I ended up in the ER. Doctor says I can go back to work in 2-8 weeks, but I'm hoping that it will be sooner than that.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Morella View Post
                      I'm riding the luck rollercoaster. We went to Las Vegas, I won $710 on a video poker machine, and we blew $300 of it on a decent meal and a bottle of Bordeaux. Then my back collapsed, damage from that collision with the U-Haul truck, and I ended up in the ER. Doctor says I can go back to work in 2-8 weeks, but I'm hoping that it will be sooner than that.

                      But you have money coming out both ears, so I am sure you will be just fine taking that much time off work.


                      • #71
                        But you have money coming out both ears, so I am sure you will be just fine taking that much time off work.
                        And if not, I'm sure that Obama will send me some money fom his stash.



                        • #72
                          I am really sick today...


                          • #73
                            Where is Morella? I miss her smartassness (I am aware this is not a word, but it should be.)


                            • #74
                              Umm...unfortunately in CT, MA, NY, NJ, MD, more fortunately into the South, then back up to Ohio, now headed back down to Lousiana. I'm camped out at a truck stop waiting to dump my load of Kimberly-Clark "truck softener" (?), then I pick up a 1900-mile load of lumber going to California this afternoon. $$$!

                              I'm still waiting for that satellite that gives us Internet access while going down the freeway, although most of the US roads are in such rough shape that it would be like trying to read the screen while sitting inside Hillary Clinton's vibrator on a Sunday night.

                              Smartassness should be a word, and I am adding it to my MS Word dictionary on your behalf. I have some other words I need to add anyway...'irregoddamregardless', that's a good one. 'Anyhoo', and 'boocoos'...anything else I should include?


                              • #75
                                Getting a bit restless myself here just got my truck back after about 8 months of crap from shops and people to get it back from a shop again with more problems due to fucking R-tarded workers . Really wish I could take the truck offroad and have alil bit of fun and sling abit of mud around buuut NO. Still got to deal with the shops crap and the more work I do on my truck the more I find busted stuff Im too poor for it lol and I cant do all the work myself but Im sick of shops pulling one over on me

