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Pimp My Casket

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  • Pimp My Casket

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  • #2
    wow lol


    • #3
      OMG I want this. Seriously when I die, I want to be viewed like this, but it has to have flames on it like my car.


      • #4
        lol shelly breath haha jk


        • #5
          And the nigs think highly of him. "Look at leroy, he's so classy lookin"


          • #6
            I am offended by the word "nigs".... You couldn't have thought of something else?


            • #7
              I am offended by the word "nigs".... You couldn't have thought of something else?
              Not to be a douche but............

              The TOMB: General chatter about life, the universe, and everything. This forum is NOT censored, so ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK! If you don't like something that is said in here, tough.


              • #8
                My bad, would you prefer african american? Its misused so much it makes me laugh. Most who claim to be african america dont even have a trace of african blood in them. Should I call myself a Dutch/ American. Since I an Dutch, Irish, English and Prussian, how would I word that? Hell, I even know a REAl White African American. I call them as I see them. The pic clearly depicts a lazy worthless piece of garbage. Someone who I would never associate with. What racist remark do you call the lazy side of society. No matter what color, if the person is decent, I'll drink a beer with him.


                • #9
                  I take nig, nigga, nigger, honkey, cracker, zipper, chink, wop, retard, calling something or someone gay(when their clearly not) and so on... all as offensive. I do believe there are people out there that deserve to be called names, by their actions. But not someone you don't know. God, I hope someone if following what I am saying..... I am just kind of defensive about it, sorry. I was in Vegas in an elevator one time and there was an older couple, a mexican guy and a black guy. The mexican guy was like nigga this, nigga that to his black friend. I turned to him and told him how offended I was and to watch his mouth. He told me he was half black and I proceeded to tell him that it was not cool to talk like that and he sure the hell wouldn't like it if I was talking like that.He told me that I couldn't talk like that because I wasn't brown. Now what the fuck does that have to do with anything?

                  I thought we were all close enough here that I could tell you I was offended and you would understand. Instead of me sitting here boiling about it and hating you and thinking your racist, I wanted to talk it out.


                  • #10
                    I'm not a racist, just an ass
                    I was just pointing out the rules of this part of the forum.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by LMS View Post
                      I'm not a racist, just an ass
                      I was just pointing out the rules of this part of the forum.
                      It must be true I've seen it posted all over the forum and even as an option in a few polls.
                      LMS is an Asshole

                      Honestly though letting what other people think or say bother you will bring you nothing but unnecessary, grief, stress and probably do nothing but shorten your life span.


                      • #12
                        Everyone has an opinion, I just dont like some of the flaming that goes on in here. Say what ya want, its only words, but dont push your words onto me.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by msc0nduct View Post
                          I take nig, nigga, nigger, honkey, cracker, zipper, chink, wop, retard, calling something or someone gay(when their clearly not) and so on... all as offensive. I do believe there are people out there that deserve to be called names, by their actions. But not someone you don't know. God, I hope someone if following what I am saying..... I am just kind of defensive about it, sorry. I was in Vegas in an elevator one time and there was an older couple, a mexican guy and a black guy. The mexican guy was like nigga this, nigga that to his black friend. I turned to him and told him how offended I was and to watch his mouth. He told me he was half black and I proceeded to tell him that it was not cool to talk like that and he sure the hell wouldn't like it if I was talking like that.He told me that I couldn't talk like that because I wasn't brown. Now what the fuck does that have to do with anything?

                          I thought we were all close enough here that I could tell you I was offended and you would understand. Instead of me sitting here boiling about it and hating you and thinking your racist, I wanted to talk it out.
                          Shit, this forum is the most racist republican redneck one I've been on, ever (not saying all members, just a few specific ones). I'm surprised anyone here is even pretending to give a fuck though. Honestly I only hate retards, who come in all colors, genders, and shapes.

                          Seriously do we even have any black people on this forum? My guess is fuck no, because they don't feel like they're welcome here. I don't think I've ever seen a black hearse driver, except for maybe T-Pain. But at every hearse meet-up I've ever been to not a one in sight (or black people in general, not just hearse owners, it's like going to Wyoming.)

                          I hate that double standard shit though. They can call each-other niggers, and can call us crackers and whatever else they like. We can call each-other cracker, honky, whitey, etc... but we can't even call them "boss" (to which some take offense to even if you're employed by them lol.)

                          I'd like equality across the board. Except for retards, of which I'd say kill them all but eugenics has been proven not to work.
                          Last edited by Scary Guy; 06-21-2010, 04:25 PM. Reason: I didn't mean for it to sound like I thought everyone here was racist.


                          • #14
                            Ok so maybe I will just keep my opinions to myself next time. Sorry...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by msc0nduct View Post
                              Ok so maybe I will just keep my opinions to myself next time. Sorry...
                              No, that's what I like about this forum, everyone has a voice. Even if it doesn't happen to be the most popular one.

                              Also attitudes like yours are the only reason things like this change.

                              Oh I forgot ageism in the above too.

