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Anyone else here work in the auto service industry?

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  • Anyone else here work in the auto service industry?

    Holy shit are we getting fucked. 2 years ago I could bring home a grand a week, now i'm bringing in just around that every 2. The service writters are getting angrier and angrier cause they are having to deal with ummm...all types of "ethnic" people trying to get everything done for free. I actually heard one of the service writers come in after a half hour phone convo with a person and scream at the top of his lungs " i'm sick and fucking tired of all these fucking spear chuckers trying to screw everyone out of every dollar they can".....and then proceeds to throw shit across the shop.. come on nobama, where the fuck is all this "change" you promised?.....

  • #2


    • #3
      Originally posted by StrayCat View Post
      come on nobama, where the fuck is all this "change" you promised?.....
      In his pockets apparently.

      Still I have shit I want done to my car as well... and paying an arm and a leg for that is... well... not fun. I'm learning to do my own work myself because of it.


      • #4
        My husband works in the auto industry. Service has gone down... people just aren't willing to pay or they just can't. I for one and very thankful my husband can fix everything we have.


        • #5
          and the manufacturers (sp?) keep dropping the warranty labor rates. 2 years ago something that paid 1 hour under warranty now pays .6
          trust me as soon as i can find something (not likely this is the only real skill i have) i'm out of this fucking industry. I hate it.


          • #6
            I'm curious Billy - what else exactly do you expect Obama to do about the auto industry? From what I've read so far it looks like the 'gumment bailout' actually worked and that 55k jobs were recreated where 334k were lost by the big 3.

            I can't stand the guy either, but the "my toaster burnt my toast this morning! Thanks for fucking up my breakfast you mooslim nayger presidant! Where is my 40 acres?" is a little silly.

            I'm waiting on the housing market to pick back up - I'm not thrilled about being at 143% loan to value on my house.


            • #7
              Recently Obama took credit for saving Ford Motor Company, by bailing out GM and Chrysler. Apparently, you can't blame Obama when things go wrong, because he's responsible for everything that's gone right in this country. All you have to do is ask him, and he'll tell you that's so, Anyway, we all know that everything that has gone wrong in this country is the fault of George W, Bush. By the way, I don't think of Obama as much a "Spear-chucker", as much an "Up-chucker". Every time I hear him talk about how great he is, I want to up-chuck.


              • #8
                I spent 27 years in the Auto Industry I pulled wrenches and was a service manager in a GM dealership up until 2005 I've gone thru good times and bad.. But one day I just said I was done....Told them I was leaving now and when they asked what time I'd be back I answered, I won't be back Have a good day. Loaded my tools in my truck and went home....


                • #9
                  so far it looks like the 'gumment bailout' actually worked and that 55k jobs were recreated where 334k were lost by the big 3.
                  First of all, the government has no money of its own. Everything that it spends is borrowed, mostly from China, and you, as the taxpayer, and your children, assume the debt. How has borrowing money from China to meet payroll at a failing company helped the United States? What happened to the people who had GM stock in their retirement plans when it was "bailed out"?

                  As for the Chevrolet Volt that Obama is so proud of, it is the absolute worst electric car in the world. Four hours maximum on a charge, and that is when the batteries are brand new. A price tag of $41,000, which you have already paid with your new debt to China! Who will buy the Chevrolet Volt? Probably government agencies, and so the end result will be that you will end up paying for those shitboxes three times over, plus interest.

                  Leave the racist talk out of it, and instead take a look at his book, his father's ideals, and his grandfather's ideals. The man has a plan to turn the United States into a third-world country, and if you look at what is really going on, everything that he claims to have accomplished for the good is strictly du cinoche. Of course he is not to blame for your stubbed toe, but he doesn't deserve the credit for a sunny day either.

                  And you haven't even seen your new tax bill yet...



                  • #10
                    I'm waiting on the housing market to pick back up - I'm not thrilled about being at 143% loan to value on my house.
                    Hopefully your house meets the new government EPA standards....otherwise, not only will it never be worth anything, but you won't be allowed to purchase a license to sell it. There will most likely be a big demand for arsonists soon, for those who are looking for a career change. "Change" is good, right?



                    • #11
                      We'll if there's one group that should be happy with Obama, its the Muslims. Obama may not be a Muslim, but many Muslims regard him as one of their own. Support of same sex marriage will open the door to polygamy, which means Muslim men can marry up to four wives. I'm not going to talk pro or con regarding same sex marriage, so before I'm accused of being a "Homophobic" (Which literally translated from Latin means "Afraid of my self") What justification can you provide that people should be limited to only one married partner? What about bi-bisexuals, should they have to choose to limit them-self to one gender? Of course, if the Muslims do eventually succeed in imposing Sharia Law on us, there will be no need to reinstate the ban on same sex marriages, because same sex relations will be outlawed. There is absolutely no justification on building a mosque positioned where members of the religion of peace can celebrate the handiwork of fellow Muslims who would go to flying schools, and explain while they wanted to learn how to fly, there was no need to learn how to land. I suppose they were counting on a law of physics discovered by Sir Issac Newton to take care of landing the planes at the end of their flight. I think its time a group of folks got together, and got behind a larger then life equestrian statue of Charles Martel, to be placed at the site of the WTC so the statues upraised sword would be pointing at the new mosque. Don't know who Charles Martel is? Read some damn history.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Morella View Post
                        First of all, the government has no money of its own. Everything that it spends is borrowed, mostly from China, and you, as the taxpayer, and your children, assume the debt. How has borrowing money from China to meet payroll at a failing company helped the United States? What happened to the people who had GM stock in their retirement plans when it was "bailed out"?

                        As for the Chevrolet Volt that Obama is so proud of, it is the absolute worst electric car in the world. Four hours maximum on a charge, and that is when the batteries are brand new. A price tag of $41,000, which you have already paid with your new debt to China! Who will buy the Chevrolet Volt? Probably government agencies, and so the end result will be that you will end up paying for those shitboxes three times over, plus interest.

                        Leave the racist talk out of it, and instead take a look at his book, his father's ideals, and his grandfather's ideals. The man has a plan to turn the United States into a third-world country, and if you look at what is really going on, everything that he claims to have accomplished for the good is strictly du cinoche. Of course he is not to blame for your stubbed toe, but he doesn't deserve the credit for a sunny day either.

                        And you haven't even seen your new tax bill yet...


                        ok, whoa sistah. let me start by saying i do not buy into the "tree-hugging-hippie-crap" that electric and hybrid vehicles stand for... so i'll prolly never own one. i like my cars with internal combustion engines that i can work on myself. i don't like anyone touching or working on my cars but me.

                        that said, the Volt is actually a good vehicle for the people that are looking for that sort of thing. it has a gas engine that recharges the battery so it's not like after the battery runs out of juice you are fucked. the car can go 40 miles on a charge before the gas engine kicks in and basically will suit people who live in big cities (those people most likely to own electrics and hybrids anyway) and just go from work to home, or quick runs around town. those people will never hve to buy a drop of gas because they will solely be using the battery. i'm a librarian by trade so i've done some research on the vehicle and it's actually a good one if you're into that sort of thing. and buyers will get a hefty tax credit of $7500 toward that 41K.

                        like i said, it's not my thing. but i do see that it could be a great car for some people. and hey, i'd rather see folks buying a Volt that a japaense car. GM's profits stay here. japanese companies take their money back to Japan with them. there's all kinda stats on what GM contributes to the GDP,etc compared to the Japanese, Korean, German, etc car companies. it's scary.


                        • #13
                          like i said, it's not my thing. but i do see that it could be a great car for some people. and hey, i'd rather see folks buying a Volt that a japaense car. GM's profits stay here.
                          Nope, if there are any that exist anywhere but on the books, they're already owed to China. Same for Ford, Chrysler, ADMaero, Tru-Valu Hardware, and every other US company. Maybe we should send Bono over to China to sing about cancelling our debts.


