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It's been a Hell of a week

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  • It's been a Hell of a week

    Last Sunday I had my hearse towed to a shop because for 3 months it has been sitting. I have had a bad misfire that I couldn't find. Once the shop had it, they found 6 cylinders with low compress. Pulled off the heads and found on piston with a chunk missing, took the motor out and took it to the engine shop that built it on Thursday. They found 3 more that were cracked.

    On the way home from the engine shop, my truck had a catostrophic failure of the AC compressor under the hood in traffic. Engine stalled out and truck billowed smoke & freon for a moment. Pulled off the road ASAP and drove up onto the curb. The curb being taller than normal blew the right front tire upon impact. My truck was out of traffic but the trailer I was towing was not.

    Here are the pictures. Luckily, the truck is fixed, new AC compressor & 4 new tires.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Did the compressor blow apart like that or did you bust it open after removal?


    • #3
      It blew up in traffic, threw pieces of aluminum in the road and all throughout the engine compartment. That is what was left still hanging on to the mouting bolts & belt.


      • #4
        god damn man! Time to sit back with a few cold ones and hope this week is better.


        • #5
          Sounds frustrating and expensive. It could have been worse if your trailer had been hit by a vehicle, though.



          • #6
            Well, Got the truck back on Saturday, got 4 new tires on it, drove it home. New AC compressor a little noisy but it says it may do that for a few days during break in.
            Then about 4:45 pm today, driving to my last job of the day, I get rear-ended by an elderly lady in a very expensive Cadillac.
            She drove into my trailer at about 20 mph. My trailer has a bend in the rear frame rail, the rest of the trailer and truck are fine. Her '08 Caddy didn't fair so good. Front end all smashed up and lucky for her, she missed her airbag sensor by mere millimeters. So last week no one hit it when it was a potential hazzard from a breakdown, then when just sitting at a red light, I get rear ended. Ironic!

            Still no word on Hearse repair costs.


            • #7
              That's about the time you roll out onto the sidewalk grabbing your neck and screaming for a medic! You deserve a payout after all that crap.


              • #8
                Yeah, no shit. Guess I'll see what the Tuesday Fairy brings me.


                • #9
                  how old was the rebuild?


                  • #10
                    Jeez man, is Karma getting you back for something you did? Have you been a bad boy?


                    • #11
                      Rebuild is 11 months old with 1500 miles on it.
                      My new AC compressor seized yesterday, it will take 3-4 days for the next one to arrive.

                      I guess I did something or it's an endurance test, not sure what I did for Karma to come back like this, but I'm fighting through the crap with a smile on my face.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kaptinkaos View Post
                        Rebuild is 11 months old with 1500 miles on it.
                        My new AC compressor seized yesterday, it will take 3-4 days for the next one to arrive.

                        I guess I did something or it's an endurance test, not sure what I did for Karma to come back like this, but I'm fighting through the crap with a smile on my face.
                        Just so you know, I was kidding. I think life is one big race, what would a race be without hurdles?

