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Anybody here into straight razors?

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  • Anybody here into straight razors?

    I seem to have acquired a few as of late and I'm learning how to sharpen them so that I can eventually put them into service. I am a firm believer that there are certain overtly manly things that should never die - and shaving with a straight razor and using shaving soap with a brush should be on that list of skills a man should have.

    I am quite happy with the resurgence of manly shit - the emo/metro thing does nothing but make me want to beat someone to death with a slightly rotten trout. Men should be men, men should do manly things, men should engage in manly hobbies and frankly men should be able to grow a pretty boss beard and keep it up.

    If you've never seen the site, I present to you - The Art of Manliness!

    Shave knife or straight razor shaving will give you the best shave in the world and make you feel like a man.

  • #2
    Always wanted a straight razor... never got around to getting one...
    Last edited by v8nightmare; 08-29-2010, 09:17 PM.


    • #3
      yeah i always thought a few would look good lying around in my bathroom. old house and all...

      edit: come to think of it, i know there are one or two kicking around in my dad's workshop in a box somewhere...


      • #4
        I think it would be wicked cool to shave that way, even though I will probably cut myself all to shit.
        I should just get a big ass Bowie knife and shave the Dundee way.


        • #5
          I have them and have shaved with them... the key is sharp and proper geometry applied between razor and face should be exercised at all times...and doesn't everyone use a brush and cup for lather, it beats the shit out of any canned crap. I have them packed away in the bathroom safe and sound just in case I start shaving again...


          • #6
            Nikki got me some shaving soap and a brush a few months ago, and I have to say that even with a mach 3 it's a much more ritualistic experience shaving. I've got to put an edge on these couple of razors I've got so I can try and get them ready for real shaving.

            My grandfather gave me this a few months ago - it's a Rolls Razor from 1924. It's BAD-ASSSS! There are 2 covers, one has a leather strop and the other a sharpening stone - the blade has a clip that rides on gears, and as you roll it back and forth it flips the blade over and runs it at the perfect angle on the stone.

            And here is a video on how it works in action:



            • #7
              Fucking Luddites, this is the 2010's, go get a nice electric.

              Although Fats does have some pretty sweet razors based off of the ones in Sweeney Todd.

              I have an exgirlfriend who absolutely hates hair and shaves with a straight razor. Yeah she's fucking weird, but there goes your manly theory.

              Not to mention when I think of the term manly it just sounds so gay. Kind of like the grizzled "wrestle a bear with my bare hands and then skin it alive for my boyfriend/husband" type of gay.

              I'm just saying, this thread is pretty gay.


              • #8
                If the mention of something being manly immediately makes you think of gay men wrestling bears - I don't think it's the rest of us that have a problem. As a matter of fact, not a single gay thing was mentioned in this thread until you put captain fabulous in the thread - David, I'm worried about you man. You might need to look at some boobies.

                As far as your ex - maybe she realized how superior of a shave you get with a straight razor and enjoyed the ritual of it all. Some dudes find that shaving with a womans razor helps keep down razor burn if they have sensitive skin.


                • #9
                  Straight razors are sweet from what Im told you dont want to just pick one up and try it out on your face less you dont like your face haha. Electric razors are crap IMO I dont even use gel, soap or cream most of the time I just shave with water I also shave against the grain. That Rolls Razor from 1924 is cool never seen anything like that.


                  • #10
                    When I shaved I wanted to try a straight razor, but now I haven't shaved this century, so really doesn't matter.
                    I have heard a couple of woman that used there husband's razor. They said a man's razor shaved better than a woman razor.


                    • #11
                      I got all excited watching Vin Diesel shave his head with a knife in the movie Pitch Black. A man shouldn't shave his beard, he should shave his head...

                      ..with a cruel killing utensil.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
                        Fucking Luddites, this is the 2010's, go get a nice electric.

                        Although Fats does have some pretty sweet razors based off of the ones in Sweeney Todd.

                        I have an exgirlfriend who absolutely hates hair and shaves with a straight razor. Yeah she's fucking weird, but there goes your manly theory.

                        Not to mention when I think of the term manly it just sounds so gay. Kind of like the grizzled "wrestle a bear with my bare hands and then skin it alive for my boyfriend/husband" type of gay.

                        I'm just saying, this thread is pretty gay.
                        Aint nothin' gay about a sharp blade, however i dont know about your electric razor/ass vibrator... besides its even called a SRAIGHT RAZOR... cant get any more hetero than that


                        • #13
                          Good points by both of you.

                          I look at boobs too much as it is. I barely have enough time for food/naps.

                          I'm just saying, shaving isn't exactly manly but it's not not manly either. Both sexes do it.

                          Mad respect for the women shaving their cooch though. Razor burn there has to be hell.


                          • #14
                            i probably would qualify as a luddite. i'd live in a house with out electricity if i could... except for computers. and microwaves.

                            but i must try this straight razor thing. maybe i will even shave by oil lamp. that would be hard core.


                            • #15
                              Chris, once you get them sharp enough, I'd like to take one of the straight razors off your hands.

                              I have a couple of the newer trendy razors but when I want a real close shave or if Im shaving my head I usually use my circa 1958 Gillette Super Speed razor as seen in this ad...


                              Anyway it just seems like the older ones work better, no matter how many blades on springs they ad now.

