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Too bad Wendy Murphy wasn't killed

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  • Too bad Wendy Murphy wasn't killed

    I can't stand this fucking bitch.

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  • #2
    I bet her kid's a fucking pussy that gets made fun of for being a fucking pussy. I hope her and her pussy kid(s) die, as it would get more weaklings out of the gene pool.

    You know what I did when people told me I was too young to do anything? I told them to go fuck themselves and did it anyway.


    • #3
      The pussification of America continues. Fucking libtards.


      • #4
        I don't know if I'd consider her a liberal though. I mean it was Fox News and they weren't talking over her and didn't really debate her in any way at all.

        Technically there are enough "for the children" and "combat terrorism" assholes on both sides of the fence. If you want to revoke a "right" you just say it's for one cause or the other, or even both if it's important enough.


        • #5
          It just isn't any of Wendy Murphy's business whether your kid or mine wants to race a motorcycle.


