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  • Did you know?

    That rolls royce makes a crazy amount of different propulsion systems?

    Rolls-Royce pioneers cutting-edge technologies that deliver clean, safe & competitive solutions to meet our planet’s vital power needs.

    Through some oddly connected organic surfing I ended up reading a bunch about the RR water propulsion systems and that the engines in some of the planes vie flown in wee manufactured by RR.

    If you get bored look up the propulsion systems in the Frank Mulder designed 'Gigayacht'. Crazy stuff I tell you.

  • #2
    While working at the ship yard here in Charleston, i helped a couple Rolls Royce mechanics rebuild a water propulsion system. Think a differential is tricky? Try getting one of those back together.
    Last edited by dead ed; 11-12-2010, 12:46 AM.


    • #3
      very similar to this one.


      • #4
        Or one of these.


        • #5
          That one of those tugboat or steering pods?


          • #6
            steering pods.


            • #7
              Very tight tolerances on the pods. The Rolls mechanics were funny, one spoke perfect english, the other couldn't speak a word of English. They worked all over the world and said the gov't in most countries are as fucked up as the gov't here. Wish i could have got one of those Rolls Royce coveralls they had.


              • #8
                Sounds like they have a very cool job my first job was tearing apart differential's sure was a pain some times but lots of fun.


                • #9
                  We had the RR Dart turboprop engines on our Convairs at SMB, the CV600 and CV640 series. They were excellent! 33% more horepower than the original roundmotors, at about half the weight, and they would run forever with very little maintenance. We did have one shell out on takeoff, but that was mostly due to Pilot Stupid...if you have to trim down the fuel to keep the engine from overtemping while you're taxiing out, you don't take off with it. That's like taking your car out on the freeway when it's boiling over.

