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A wonderful thing happened this morning

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  • A wonderful thing happened this morning

    Well, last night, I drank a few Coronas. It's been a hard three weeks, I was exhausted, but after a few (several) beers, I found myself too tired to sleep. I would love to tell you what I finally did to get my mind to shut down, but...the feds might be reading this, and those of you who know me already know, anyway.

    So, I got up this morning, and the first thing that I wanted was...another Corona. I drank about six of them, went throught some online music lessons about using Protools, until the mind began to lose its edge, and then put on a hag horror flick. To my personal horror, I discovered, after the sixth beer, that we were out. Carrement à sec ! Merde ! Qu'est-ce que je peux faire ?

    Well, I suppose that getting some breakfast would have been one way to go, but I wasn't really hungry. I could have looked into the herb selection of the house, but, that just wasn't right either...maybe I'm getting old. I decided to look at the wine selection instead. Guess what I found...and this is the miracle of the day...what wine comes to mind? What wine could be shat directly from heaven just to make my day?

    Yes, that's right...a Margaux! I had a bottle of Margaux 2003, with hardly a glass gone from it!

    The grease of every fast food meal since the dawn of my childhood has been washed away! I feel cleansed, spiritually, intestinally, and euphorically. Never underestimate the worth of a fine Margaux.