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I declare open season on fred phelps and company

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  • I declare open season on fred phelps and company

  • #2
    I'm glad they have won that right, but it doesn't mean I support what they do. Free speech is paramount and unpopular speech doesn't need protection.

    That said, I hope a sniper takes out theses assholes. Sad thing is the sniper would be arrested because that would violate their right to life and the pursuit of their twisted version of happiness.

    Anonymous has also declared war, finally, after WBC goated them into it.


    • #3
      morons with a mic is one of the few drawbacks to free speech... now ive got to think of something very cruel to do at their funeral (whenever that may be)


      • #4
        I'll pay for the first box of shells


        • #5
          Those hate mongering shitbags all deserve cancer of the balls. They have no lives and nothing better to do with their time. I love their God hates fags deal. Why does that concern them so? Maybe it's you spot it, you got it.


          • #6
            I think a group should dress in Drag and show at one of their funerals sobbing "He/She was a good friend and a great American"


            • #7
              You might be on to something there. I'd be game for that. Dress up like a flaming transvestite with a pink Mohawk. I'd be laughing about that till I died myself.


              • #8
                I wonder if they are planning on picketing anything around here? I bet a nice Dead Ends welcome would be awesome.

                "Kill a Phelps follower, I'll carry them for free!"


                • #9
                  just got my coach out of the body shop, so we should do something.


                  • #10
                    I personally think it's a big money scam. Think about it (and do a little back research, you'll see what I mean). The guy sends out all these people in very small groups that stay really passive during their protest. They piss off a ton of people while they're there (but show no aggression) and eventually someone gets fed up and attacks them, (they say for no reason). Now the head guy sues the attackers for millions, and the cycle starts all over again. Don't get me wrong, what they are doing is absolute BS and is wrong on every level, but I just think there is more to it, that's all.

                    When they came here last time, some people got together and got a parade permit for that day and location. Then when the A$$holes showed up, a whole bunch of local people set up a bunch of stuff and people in front of them (since they had to remain on the sidewalk, lol) and covered them up from public view. Then they set up the local high school marching band to make sure no one could hear them either. Basically nobody could here or see them protest, so they left, and they haven't been back since. It worked great.

                    If everywhere they went, locals did something like that every time, I think they would get board and stop.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Flymanj3 View Post
                      I think a group should dress in Drag and show at one of their funerals sobbing "He/She was a good friend and a great American"
                      It's been done



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
                        It's been done

                        Any kind of info - be interesting to know how the Court would have handled this.
                        I'm still kind of wondering how this crossed the fine line from 'Harassment' to 'free-speech' in the first place?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Flymanj3 View Post
                          Any kind of info - be interesting to know how the Court would have handled this.
                          I'm still kind of wondering how this crossed the fine line from 'Harassment' to 'free-speech' in the first place?
                          The American Nazi party did the same thing when they wanted to march in Illinois I believe. I'm not sure myself but I think the theory behind it is "you have the right to walk away" and if they choose to follow then it's harassment.

