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  • #2
    Those kind of self righteous hate peddlers are certainly real among Muslims. They are also real among almost every religious and cultural group there is. Everybody wants to rule the world so the song said. I'm hesitant to believe they represent all Muslims though.
    By that rationale, the Black Panthers spoke for all blacks and the KKK spoke for all southerners, Los Macheteros spoke for all Puerto Ricans and the Inquisitors spoke for all Christians.
    All these types are fringe groups who speak of extremes. Any sensible person can see that. To feed into their bullshit propaganda and meet them tit for tat is just what they want.


    • #3
      I've got an ex-Muslim friend who committed apostasy and deconverted to atheism. He's fun to talk to and has enlightened me even more about how bat-shit insane Islam is.

      Religion is a virus, and in it's most extreme infections can prove fatal against those who have not been infected or are infected with some other disease. At least that's the way I see it anyway. Most people you meet are generally harmless, and then there are others who are fundamentalist extremists who will kill you for not being crazy enough or being crazy, but having different delusions than they do. The world needs more critical thinking skills


      • #4
        I am not personally accquainted with many Muslims, but I'd bet the poor conditions under which many of them live probably contributes to their group fanaticism to an extent. People who are poor or even worse, frightened tend to go that way. I don't like the fuckers who are out there advocating terrorism any more than anyone else does. But it seems like a slippery slope to take up a wholesale attitude of us vs them against an entire religion. That's exactly what Hitler did. He stirred up peoples natural desire to feel superior and find scapegoats to blame their problems on, and made a cultured and intelligent society conspire in mass murder.
        We need to keep a level head and point the finger at those who are truly guilty of something and let them get what's coming to them for their crimes. When we point a finger and say "We hate all of you" we better be ready for a lot more hate coming back.

