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Osama bin Laden is DEAD!

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  • #16
    The official story. We learned where Bin Laden was located, and taking decisive action, stormed a compund, and busting into the room where Bin Laden was located, the Seal Team came in with guns ablazing, and his corpse was collected on the spot. We know it was him because his wife who was shot in the leg identified him, and from the labrotory which is a standard feature of military helicoptors, a team of Medical Examiners were able to do a DNA comparison on the spot, and prove it was Bin Laden who was indeed in their custody. But not for long. According to Muslim tradition, a body of a Muslim terrorist leader that is taken from a terrorist compound must be dropped into the Arabian sea within 24 hours of his death, or he'll never get his 74 virgins, and we wouldn't want the King of Saudi Arabia mad at us for dishonoring a Muslim freedom fighter. Fortunately, a translator had already provided the proper words for an infidel jackal of the great satan to say when dropping a body that has been stuffed in a sack from a coptor, so Bin Laden was treated with proper respect, and now the whole Muslim world will trully love us, because we are such a peachy keen and all in all lovable bunch of infidels who know how to treat the body of a terrorist leader.

    The official story sounds every bit as phony as the Birth cerificate has proven to be by anybody with a rudimentary understanding of Adobe acrobat.

    Bin Laden had been ill for quite some time, prior to his death. I'm going to guess that Bin Laden had died prior to May 1st, and Pakistan told Obama where he could collect the body. The bullets to his head no doubt had been placed there, prior to the SEAL team comming in with guns ablazing, and they may have believed they shot the diaperhead. We are told he was either armed or reaching for a gun, but it sure sounds like a "shoot the diaperhead on sight" operation. An autopsy would have determined cause of death, but upon orders they dropped the body from the coptor into the Arabian sea, so we'll just have to take the word of somebody who didn't even try to produce an authentic looking faked birth certificate that it was important we collect the body to prove we got Bin Laden, and then get rid of that body en route to show proper respect.
    Last edited by Otto Baron; 05-04-2011, 04:29 AM.


    • #17
      "The official story sounds every bit as phony as the Birth cerificate has proven to be by anybody with a rudimentary understanding of Adobe acrobat.

      Bin Laden had been ill for quite some time, prior to his death. I'm going to guess that Bin Laden had died prior to May 1st, and Pakistan told Obama where he could collect the body. The bullets to his head no doubt had been placed there, prior to the SEAL team comming in with guns ablazing, and they may have believed they shot the diaperhead. We are told he was either armed or reaching for a gun, but it sure sounds like a "shoot the diaperhead on sight" operation. An autopsy would have determined cause of death, but upon orders they dropped the body from the coptor into the Arabian sea, so we'll just have to take the word of somebody who didn't even try to produce an authentic looking faked birth certificate that it was important we collect the body to prove we got Bin Laden, and then get rid of that body en route to show proper respect."

      ...Nice one Otto!!!! thanks for the above


      • #18
        I heard the Post Mortum was now conducted on board a carrier. My question is, if he was on board a carrier for the post mortum, then why was the burial at sea performed from a helicopter?


        • #19
          That was to make the Bin Laden cocktail: Two shots and a splash!. BTW do they really get 74 virgins after they die? Now I see what the incentive is to be a Muslim terrorist.


          • #20
            whats with the virgins? i would prefer 74 women with experience. And where do they come from? Are they all the virgins that were sacrificed in the days of old?


            • #21
              first you get killed before getting laid, then you finally get yor cherry popped by the likes of this guy. do the virgins accept this fate or are the forced into it? what happens after none of them are virgins any longer, is it like scrabble, after you use a letter you get to draw a few more new ones at random?


              • #22
                Anyways, why he was buried in the sea? To prevent from other religious people to pray on him under the ground to continue more war against U.S. and the Western countries! That's what my grandpa said!

                By the way, there is more bombings over there in Afghanistan and Pakistan in the mountains on order by President Barack a couple of days ago!


                • #23
                  As far as a pilgramage site to pay homage to Bin Laden is concerned, no doubt this compound will be just that. Obama already earlier provided permission to build a trophy Mosque in the vicinity of 911. Interesting how the same President who insisted the pictures from Abu Ghraib prison be released, which angered a lot of the Muslim world, Obama is now concerned that pictures of the Bin Laden killing be witheld to spare Muslim feelings.


                  • #24
                    Showing the prison pictures proved we were willing to own up to the disgraceful shit some people did. The Bin Laden pictures would be used as a tabloid side show most likely. We had every right to execute that criminal and it's done now. Let them wonder. I do love headshot pictures though.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Mohawk Freak View Post
                      Showing the prison pictures proved we were willing to own up to the disgraceful shit some people did. The Bin Laden pictures would be used as a tabloid side show most likely. We had every right to execute that criminal and it's done now. Let them wonder. I do love headshot pictures though.
                      Got a pic of it? I'd love to see that!


                      • #26
                        The headshot pics floating around are fakes. No actual pics have been leaked (yet) of the actual body.


                        • #27
                          Yesterday 08:31 PMPsychoholic
                          The headshot pics floating around are fakes. No actual pics have been leaked (yet) of the actual body.

                          So well just have to trust Obama on this one.


                          • #28
                            "We had every right to execute that criminal and it's done now."

                            Actually, this was a sanctioned assaination authorized by the President of the United States. That is an illegal act according to US law since Gerald Ford was President, and is illegal under international law. I have no problem with the President breaking those laws, but I do have a problem that a proper post mortum wasn't performed, and that Obama has less regard for the people he serves then that of Muslims worldwide. He also showed greter concern for the feelings of Muslims over the citizens he serves, when he was in favor of the building of a trophy mosque in the vicinity of the destroyed WTC, so radical Muslims could have a place to celebrate their handiwork. Americans had every right to see that body, and if the pictures show up in the tabloids, well the Tabloids are getting to be a better source of news then mainstream media. Especially when you have mainstream network spokes holes like Dan Rather report falsified documents as news, and a racebaiting demogauge like Al Sharpton used to speak for all black people in this country.
                            Last edited by Otto Baron; 05-06-2011, 02:37 PM.


                            • #29
                              Al-Qaeda 'confirms Bin Laden's death'

                              Al-Qaeda confirms the death in northern Pakistan on Monday of its leader, Osama Bin Laden, according to a statement posted on jihadist internet forums.

                              I was skeptical about it until I saw this.


                              • #30
                                ‎"How is it that the lack of Osama's body is causing all sorts of skepticism, but the lack of Jesus' body is taken as absolute truth?" - random Internet quote

