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Am I fucking cursed?

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  • Am I fucking cursed?

    Why does it seem like God enjoys shitting in my living room? My life is a country song, if I had a dog it would be dead. I had some bullshit landlord quit paying his morgage and I got evicted, and they destroyed most of what I own. What wasn't ruined was stolen. Some dick stole my reptiles. Who does that? Your down on your luck so I'm going to take your shit.

    It wasn't just the neighbors taking stuff. The sherrifs dept took thousands of $ worth of ammo. I'm real big on ww2 and military shit. I had a 75mm Sherman tank round, lots of vintage ww2 shells grenades and what not. Shit I've been collecting for 20 years. And I had ammo for my guns. They confiscated all of it and only returned the guns. They dont return ammo.

    Ok suck it up and put some shit in storage and look forward to getting away from my problems at the monster bash. Saw some friends, had hot girls on my car and got pretty fucked up. That is a productive Sunday afternoon in my book.

    Monster bash is over life sucks but I have my Corvette. I was honestly thinking at least I have the vette, it makes me happier than anything else I have. AC, tunes and I can got hit a curvy road or the drag races anytime to get away from it all. Wind it up to 140 or so and a smile will just appear out of nowhere. I should have known better than to look happy because cosmic forces conspired to fuck that up. Some shit head took the nose off of it this morning on the way to work. What the fuck? And I still had to go to work, not even a day off out of it. All I need now is cancer and life will be complete. rant over....

  • #2
    Damn dude... If not for bad luck, you wouldn't have any at all... What of the other cars? Legal repercussions on the landlord or PD?


    • #3
      How did they get into your stuff like that? They can't just show up out of nowhere and tell you that you're on the street with no notice.


      • #4
        Most of the cars are gone. I have had to rent property to store what wouldn't fit in the garage since I am only renting. One day they were all gone. No one saw a thing and they have not surfaced. Only one car was recovered at a scrap yard off moreland ave. and it was severly damaged. In total I am out three pro cars. 2 Were 60 Flxibles, one was a C/B hightop taken a while ago. Several 60 buicks and other oddball cars. The only cars remaining are what I had stored in 3 bus spots on a local storage yard.

        As for the eviction, I recieved a disspossesory on the door and called a lawyer. I had a legal binding at arms lenth lease which in ga means I am safe till the end of the lease. I answered the order on time for a day in court to show the judge why I should not be evicted. I was evicted before my court date. The sherrif dept cant proceed with out an order signed by a magistrate judge and they had that. My lawyer says I have no recourse other than trying to go after the county. The county has no record of me answering the order in the system, but I have the paperwork as proof. The county admits no fault nor will they. And my lawyer said going after them is pointless.

        The pd is only following the law. Bullets are bullets as far as the law is concerned. Non of the larger stuff is live luckily because the henry county gestapo was telling me so much of my stuff was illegal to own even though I bought it all through legal means for historic reasons.


        • #5
          That is the most fucked up thing I've ever heard. That makes no sense that you could come home and find your cars gone into thin air. Dude, you are a better man than me if you can keep your composure through this one.


          • #6
            Non of the cars at the house were taken. My ambulance and blue hearse were at the house. I had a bunch of cars on a piece of property I rented. They were behind woods and not visable from the road. I went to drop off an engine and all my shit was gone. If it was metal it was missing, cars, parts everything.

            Just recently I lost my black 60 flxible a 60 invicta 9 pass wagon with air and a 60 electra.

            Before that the 59 Miller meteor was sold and I never got paid.

            I had 3 stolen from my front yard at my old house before that including a pristine 84 fury which was recovered but totaled, and a rust free very clean 67 Bel Air.

            Just before that I had a 60 flx taken from me out of ohio.

            And that was not long after my 74 C/B hightop and 2 57 cadillac fleetwoods were stolen.

            This is over the course of only 3 years or so.


            • #7
              So you still have the 2 cars at the bottom of your posts here?
              Those would suck to lose.


              • #8
                Wow man we're going to nickname you "Schleprock" dude you have the worst luck ever! As I read through this it just kept getting worse. I remember that mess over the '60 Buick consort you went through here in Ohio... hope your luck changes soon!


                • #9
                  Not to belabor the point, but how could those vehicles be taken off the property by the authorities without an official record and a period in which you could reclaim them? If some stranger helped themselves to your cars, a theft has been commited and charges could be brought. Your story blows my fucking mind. That's some nice stuff to lose, not just a bunch of old K-cars or something.


                  • #10
                    I still have the 60 flxette landau plus the ambulance and blue premier in my sig pics.

                    The property the cars were on was seperate from my home and zoned agricultural. The cars were out of sight and covered. 2 were currently tagged. That rules out county removal. Someone scrapped them. Its to easy to do. Scrap dealers ask no questions and the evidence is gone with in hours. The theif and dealer profit while the owner loses.

                    My vette is about to go into the shop. Its not totaled. The hood is busted and sitting off to the drivers side. The left head light is dead and wont open, the right is hanging up. the front lights are shattered and the front bumper and trim are trashed. All state wants to fix the hood and bumper and repaint just that. I want a front clip and the whole car painted. A friend of mine knows the owner of a high end custom shop, they are going to work what they can with the insurance company. I may throw another grand in with it. My instructions were better than new, I want to stand 20 feet from the car and look at a reflection of my watch and see the second hand move.


                    • #11
                      A friend had his house foreclosed on and when he left, his hearse wasn't running. He went back to get it and it was gone. Somehow he found out his neighbor had sold it to a scrap yard. He got there before it was crushed, but the radiator was gone. Had to get police involved to get it back.


                      • #12
                        You need some brass balls to help yourself to someones cars like that. That kind of thing would bring out my darkside like little else would. There is some stuff you just don't do without expecting retribution.


                        • #13
                          Jesus Richard... I'm prego, it's yours.



                          • #14
                            that neighbor would be in the hospital


                            • #15
                              that neighbor would be in the hospital
                              then there would be 2 sides to the story, you don't want that.

                              He was stealing your stuff and tried to kill you when you caught him. That should be the ONLY story.

